xml - Extract tar.gz file in perl -

i have tar.gz file of appx 60 mb in size ... need extract xml file insided tar.gz file .. i'm getting out of memory error while using below command..

use archive::extract; $tar_file_work_path='c:\..\..\..\perl\in\test_sample.xml.tar.gz'; $work_dir = 'c:\..\..\..\perl\in\work'; $extract_obj = archive::extract->new(archive => $tar_file_work_path, type => 'tgz'); if (!($extract_obj->extract(to => $work_dir))){ print "error extracting tar file\n"; } else { print "extracted tar file $latest_file_name successfully"; } 

please me in extracting tar.gz file different directory in efficient way....

ih answers of next questions:

out of memory while extracting tar.gz file using perl

they mention using prefer_bin maybe helps.


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