java - Getting 1 second sample using Xuggler -

i have issues regarding xuggler api,

i want create little class, once mp3 file opened, gets raw bytes it, but, how many? have 1 second sample original file.

this current code:

public byte[] getsamples(int ibytesqtty){     byte[] rawbytes = null;      /** go correct packet */     while (this._inputcontainer.readnextpacket(this._packet) >= 0){         system.out.println(this._packet.getduration());         /** once have packet, let's see if belongs audio stream */          if (this._packet.getstreamindex() == this._iaudiostreamid){             iaudiosamples samples = iaudiosamples.make(ibytesqtty, this._audiocoder.getchannels());               //system.out.println(">> " + samples.tostring());             /** because packet can contain multiple set of samples (frames of samples). may need call              * decode audio multiple times @ different offsets in packet's data */              int icurrentoffset = 0;              while(icurrentoffset < this._packet.getsize()){                  int ibytesdecoded = this._audiocoder.decodeaudio(samples, this._packet, icurrentoffset);                 icurrentoffset += ibytesdecoded;                  if (samples.iscomplete()){                     rawbytes = samples.getdata().getbytearray(0, samples.getsize());                 }             }             return rawbytes;         }         else{             /** otherwise drop */             do{}while(false); /** wtf? **/         }     }     return rawbytes; /** return null @ point */ } 

any hint appreciated, in advance.


actually little piece of code, works me, not in cases

mp3file song = new mp3file("sample.mp3");         byte[] buff = null;         int totalbytes = 0; int inumbytes = 1024;          while( (buff = song.getsamples(inumbytes)) != null ){             totalbytes += buff.length;     //      system.out.println("length buff: " + buff.length + " total: " + totalbytes);         }  system.out.println("bytes: " + totalbytes + " (" + totalbytes/1024 + " kb.)");         float lengthsecs = (float) (totalbytes / ((1411*1000)/8));          float lengthmins = lengthsecs/60;          system.out.println("song duration: " + lengthmins + " mins. (" + lengthsecs + " secs.)"); 

i assume mp3 file it's internally converted regular wav file, per each second have 1411kbps rate. said, doesn't work in cases.


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