
Showing posts from June, 2011

File Reader, Android Phone Application -

im having issue file-reader part, im trying split text file stored in sd after store array. im not sure how proceed in manner. this have tried far package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.vector; import; import android.os.environment; import android.widget.edittext; public class filereader extends activity{{ string txtname = "accomodationtxt.txt"; file root = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory(); file path = new file(root, "canberratourism/" + txtname); try { bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader ( new inputstreamreader( new fileinputstream(path))); string line; string[] salineelements; arraylist<string> sinfo =

php - locale variable is ignored in symfony translator -

i have installed fos user bundle, i18n routing bundle , translation bundle, , enabled them in app kernel. for config have: parameters.yml parameters: locale: en config.yml framework: translator: enabled: true default_locale: %locale% jms_i18n_routing: default_locale: %locale% locales: [%locale%, fr, es] strategy: prefix_except_default and security config paths beginning ^/[a-z][a-z]/ security.yml access_control: - { path: ^/[a-z][a-z]/login$, role: is_authenticated_anonymously } - { path: ^/[a-z][a-z]/login_check$, role: is_authenticated_anonymously } - { path: ^/[a-z][a-z]/resetting, role: is_authenticated_anonymously } - { path: ^/[a-z][a-z]/profile/, role: role_user } i have set routes not paths in fos_user config... everything ok routes , urls in browser. problem views not translated. come english, default locale when have /fr/my-path locale route attribute fr . _locale fr . request::locale fr . h

javascript - Which canvas framework to choose and why? -

i'm create similar this: , i'll javascript , html5 canvas. instead of buttons change appearance want user able change the character mouse (point, click, drag). i've been checking out different kinds of canvas frameworks make easier implement want do. ones i've found interesting far fabric.js , paper.js . i suggestions of framework suitable task , readily explanation why. thanks lot! i’ll make quick because “what’s best” question closed or moved “programmers” site: if you’re doing “1-time, knocked out , move-on” project, go william malone’s excellent canvas tutorial need: [edit: additional tutorial] i realized tutorial on separate page tutorial. sure @ too--it's right on point: if using projec

How to attach a file to send a mail using php -

i have been struggling mail attachment using php . below application form.php <form name="frm" action="thankyou.php" method="post" style="padding-top:10px;"> <table style="text-align: left; width: 100%; color: rgb(255, 0, 0); font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold;" rules="all" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td>*mandatory fields</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="left" valign="top"><p><table id="table2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" width="100%" align="center" border="0"> <tr> <td style="width: 152px; h

Add Hibernate interceptor to a session factory on run time -

i wish add interceptor session or session factory on run time. managed event handlers: @component public class hibernateeventlistenersregisterer { /** post load event listener. */ @resource private genericpostloadeventlistener postloadeventlistener; /** session factory. */ @resource private sessionfactory sessionfactory; /** * register event listeners. */ @postconstruct public void registereventlisteners() { eventlistenerregistry registry = ((sessionfactoryimpl) sessionfactory).getserviceregistry() .getservice(eventlistenerregistry.class); registry.geteventlistenergroup(eventtype.post_load).appendlistener(postloadeventlistener); } } i want use interceptor same way... can i? no, can't. instead: create interceptor or listener added permanently, accessible add/remove delegate interceptors/ listeners (or otherwise switchably enable/ or delegate functionality). then, once can reference @ run-ti

nullpointerexception - NullReferenceException was unhandled Object reference not set to an instance of an object. c# -

i tried running program, , have compared code friend's code, error keeps on showing though tried changing these lines (which think error coming from): try { filestream b = new filestream(@"c:\user\user_2\desktop\board.txt",; streamreader stream = new streamreader(b); int x = 0; while (!stream.endofstream) { if (x == 0) g1 = stream.readline().split(' '); else if (x == 1) g2 = stream.readline().split(' '); else if (x == 2) g3 = stream.readline().split(' '); x++; } stream.close(); b.close(); } catch (exception e) { } the program used check text file contains these 3 lines: o . x x o . x . o ...and see if there winner. this part visual studio highlights error: int n = 0; int m = n + 1; int o = m + 1; boolean result = false; int winner = 0; string dw = ""; while (n <= 2) { // in if-statement error:

java - File processing on two different machine using spring batch -

my file processing scenario , read input file -> process -> generated output file but have 2 physically different machines connected 1 storage area receive input files , 1 database server,there 2 application servers running on these machine(1 on each server). so how can use spring batch process input files on both these application server parallelly ? mean if there 10 files 5 on server1 (p1) , 5 on (p2) ,can done ? you schedule job per input file (input file location parameter of job). spring batch guarantee no 2 job instances same job parameters created. you'll jobexecutionalreadyrunningexception or jobinstancealreadycompleteexception if other node has started processing same file.

ios - Decelerating delegate method of the scrollView is not called for vertical scrolling? -

the scrollview delegate method scrollviewdidenddecelerating:scrollview not called vertical scrolling(it working horizontal scrolling) don't know how make inform view controller deceleration of vertical scrolling. me know if possible? edit:-i've enabled paging in scrollview i don't know doing wrong, verified in fact sent - run this project github . verified message comes both directionlock on , off.

using jquery variable in php -

i've got dynamic table filled recordset mysql. each row has it's own delete button (image) delete specific row. button has class="button". i'm using jquery popup modal popup when delete button clicked. in jquery script i'm creating variable contains numeric value of first td cel of row has been clicked on. works perfectly. what i'm trying accomplish use variable on same php page. here knowledge runs out. i've read examples ajax solution this, lack knowledge use these examples solution. jquery code: <script src="../javascript/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script> <script src="../javascript/jquery.reveal.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('.button').click(function(e) { // button activate our modal var value=$(this).closest('tr').children('td:first').text(); alert(value); // works $('#moda

Python equivalent of R's mclapply() -

the r package multicore has function mclapply() applies specified function on list of things , takes advantage of multiple cores. it's easy use , results in big speed boosts. is there python equivalent? thanks this functionality available map method in multiprocessing.pool() see answer more details: is there simple process-based parallel map python?

java - Trick the reflector -

there piece of java code did not write , can't change uses reflector call class' method. (i haven't seen code): .... params[0] = something; .... class c = class.forname(name); method m = c.getdeclaredmethod(methodname, pt); if (modifier.isstatic(m.getmodifiers())) { res = m.invoke(null, params); } else { obj = c.newinstance(); res = m.invoke(obj, params); } .... so far good. i control class' name, method's name , parameters. can send combination of those, there catch though: first parameter hard-coded, parameter send appended params array. method has accept parameter. my question is: there way create type , use in there? this: public class printwrapper { public static void println(somethingtype something, string arg) { system.out.println(arg); } } i tried using class name, didn't work, idea? need sort of anonymous class or something. and

java - Embed Jetty to JavaSE project -

i downloaded jetty . i can start/stop jetty server. know tutorials on eclipse wiki . cannot find info how add jetty project on java se in eclipse. simply: org.eclipse.jetty.server.server not recognized. if want embed jetty need add jar file build path in eclipse. jetty: the jars located in lib folder , need jetty-server.jar file. how add jar build path in eclipse: where put external jars?

c# - Handle Button command in parent Control -

i have user control main content of shown below <itemscontrol grid.row="0" itemssource="{binding mycollection}" horizontalcontentalignment="stretch" x:name="lstexpander" > <itemscontrol.itemspanel> <itemspaneltemplate> <stackpanel orientation="horizontal" isitemshost="true" flowdirection="lefttoright" margin="0,0,0,0" /> </itemspaneltemplate> </itemscontrol.itemspanel> <itemscontrol.itemcontainerstyle> <style targettype="contentpresenter"> <setter property="margin" value="100,0,0,0"></setter> </style> </itemscontrol.itemcontainerstyle> <itemscontrol.itemtemplate> <datatemplate> <local:attributeexpander>/local:attributeexpander>

Remove space between 2 tables HTML CSS and image removes background image -

new here, creating website , there seems problem table made hold image , table made hold content. content on left image on right. when float image table right content table moves underneath it. when float left there space in between 2. code in question table , table 3. want display image block next link buttons , context block underneath buttons next image block. the second problem logo heading image removing background image. html code <!doctype html> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link href="articlepage.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <title>beadles beading</title> </head> <body id="wrap"> <h1><img src="logo.jpg" alt="logo"></h1> <a class="mouseover" href="home page.html"><img src="buttons/new button home unpressed.jpg" alt="home

javascript - Storing checkboxes state in current session/run -

my view including checkbox clickevent listener should fired every time checkbox state had been changed: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="~/scripts/jquery-1.4.4.js"></script> <title>testchckbox</title> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function () { $(document).on("click", "input.chks", function (e) { var _this = $(this); var ischecked =':checked'); $.post("@url.action("updateinput","search")?id=" + _this.attr("id") + "&newvalue=" + ischecked, function (data) { // response stuff


what best way select top n records union of 2 queries? i can't do select top n ... (select ... table1 union select ... table2) because both queries return huge results need every bit of optimization possible , avoid returning everything. same reason cannot insert results #temp table first either. i can't use set rowcount n either because may need group results , command limit number of grouped rows, , not underlying row selections. any other ideas? thanks! use top keyword inner queries also: select top n ... (select top n... table1 union select top n... table2)

Excel to matlab timestamps -

i have data in excel in form of timestamps s looks 30/11/12 12:42 30/11/12 12:47 30/11/12 12:56 30/11/12 1:01 i need matlab datestrings = {... '30/11/12 12:42 am' ... '30/11/12 12:47 am' ... '30/11/12 12:56 am' ... '30/11/12 1:01 am' ... }; i have tried xlsread doesn't put in strings. the following works me (in octave, should same in matlab): >> [num,txt,raw]=xlsread('dates.xls','a1:a4') num = 4.1243e+004 4.1243e+004 4.1243e+004 4.1243e+004 txt = {}(0x0) raw = { [1,1] = 4.1243e+004 [2,1] = 4.1243e+004 [3,1] = 4.1243e+004 [4,1] = 4.1243e+004 } >> datestr(num+datenum(1900,1,1,0,0,0)-2) ans = 30-nov-2012 00:42:00 30-nov-2012 00:47:00 30-nov-2012 00:56:00 30-nov-2012 01:01:00 >> whos ans variables in current scope: attr name size bytes class ==== ==== ==== ===== ===== ans 4x20 80 char

html - Internet Explorer 10 gradient issue -

i have following button works in safari, chrome, , firefox: the css above: .button { background: linear-gradient(315deg, transparent 10px, #ff7805 10px, #ffa13e 100%) repeat scroll 0 0 transparent; color: #ffffff; font-family: 'ralewayregular',arial,sans-serif; font-size: 1em; margin: 0.5em 0; padding: 0.5em 1.2em 0.5em 0.8em; position: relative; text-decoration: none; transition: 0.3s ease-in-out 0s; } sadly, in ie10 button strange: can adjust syntax work? i've managed class added tag can target css. fiddle below: just change -ms- gradient angle: going from background: -ms-linear-gradient(315deg, transparent 10px, #ff7805 10px, #ffa13e 100%); to background: -ms-linear-gradient(135deg, transparent 10px, #ff7805 10px, #ffa13e 100%); here's updated fiddle.

reporting services - Can't access deployed report -

i working ssrs on windows 2008r2 installation , report seems have deployed when try access report keep receiving, 'user' not have required permissions. verify sufficient permissions have been granted , uac restrictions have been addressed. have granted user full administrative permissions , have tried running ie administrator. don't know else do. advice appreciated. thanks!! check user has access database/data source being used report, rather report itself.

java - Button click outside widget - GWT -

is possible detect when click event occurs outside widget, create widget display text user, number of text varies each user, , add vertical panel. user able edit text , add new text. right text locked edit mode if click on button, possible skip step , if click on next text widget block previous block locked?? how can read action of moving next widget?? that event called blur event . event triggered when widget loses focus . textbox.addblurhandler(new blurhandler() { @override public void onblur(blurevent event) { //do } });

ColdFusion 9 CFCookie error -

error message follows: tried access method coldfusion.runtime.neopagecontext.isundercfthread()z class coldfusion.runtime.cookiescope this started happening without code changes. can post full stack trace if helps. happens on generic call cfcookie. <cfcookie name="cookie_name" value="#cookie_value#"> we tried restarting coldfusion 9 service, iis 6 , did full reboot of server. i appreciate suggestions may be. java.lang.illegalaccesserror: tried access method coldfusion.runtime.neopagecontext.isundercfthread()z class coldfusion.runtime.cookiescope @ coldfusion.runtime.cookiescope.bindname( @ coldfusion.runtime.cookiescope.bindasscaler( @ coldfusion.runtime.neopagecontext.symtab_setsplitnameinmap( @ coldfusion.runtime.neopagecontext.symtab_setvalidatedsplitnameinstring( @ coldfusion.runtime.neopagecontext.symtab_setvalidatedsplitnameinstring(neopagecontext.j

ms access - Symbol required to enter date in text strings -

i working on homework assignment school, , have come across 1 particular question has me little stumped. question is, 11. symbol access sql require enter dates in text strings? have found use of ''(single quotes), " " (double quotes), , #(pound sign), have not been able find definitive answer particular questions. correct answer? since homework, i'll show how find answer need. open immediate window ( ctrl + g ) , run both of these statements (pressing enter after each): debug.print typename("5/2/2013") debug.print typename(#5/2/2013#) however it's safer use yyyy/m/d format literal date values avoid locale issues ... ie 5/2/2013 represent may 2nd or feb 5th? debug.print typename("2013/5/2") debug.print typename(#2013/5/2#)

C++ Custom Comparison Function with Template as Function Parameter -

i'm trying implement/use comparator style interface 1 find in java allow me pass generic comparator type function , use sort data set. this because need variety of different comparison functions , want able pass 1 need sort function. here's code snippet of have far , can tell mean: void population::sort(const std::shared_ptr<comparator<solution>>& comparator) { std::sort(data.begin(), data.end(), comparator.get()); } and comparator interface i've tried implement template <typename t> class comparator : public std::binary_function<t,t,bool> { public: virtual ~comparator (); virtual bool operator() ( const t &o1, const t &o2 ) = 0; }; it's obvious i'm doing wrong don't know whole lot of c++. cheers! unless explicitly need change comparison predicate @ run-time opt make population::sort function template function: struct person { std::vector<int> v; template<typename p&g

python - What is the advantage of a list comprehension over a for loop? -

what advantage of using list comprehension on for loop in python? is make more humanly readable, or there other reasons use list comprehension instead of loop? list comprehensions more compact and faster explicit for loop building list: def slower(): result = [] elem in some_iterable: result.append(elem) return result def faster(): return [elem elem in some_iterable] this because calling .append() on list causes list object grow (in chunks) make space new elements individually, while list comprehension gathers elements first before creating list fit elements in 1 go: >>> some_iterable = range(1000) >>> import timeit >>> timeit.timeit('f()', 'from __main__ import slower f', number=10000) 1.4456570148468018 >>> timeit.timeit('f()', 'from __main__ import faster f', number=10000) 0.49323201179504395

Can we edit frozen column in jqgrid -

i have jqgrid inline edit , few frozen columns. gathered information on how make work here . answer in link has frozen column multi-select. wanted know if there way or work around edit frozen column in inline edit. i have been trying figure 1 out little while now, , able come works situation. can similar. i created following function called when edit button clicked: var editrow = function(rowid) { $('#' + gridid).editrow(rowid); $('#' + gridid + '_frozen').editrow(rowid); }; this make frozen columns appear editable user. i created following function called when save button clicked: var saverow = function(rowid) { $('#' + gridid + '_frozen' + ' #' + rowid + ' > td').each(function () { var col = $(this).attr('aria-describedby'); $('#' + gridid + ' #' + rowid + ' > td[aria-describedby="' + col + '"]') .childre

c++ - error: expected initializer before ‘:’ token -

i trying compile c++ code (which can compiled visual studio 2012 on windows) g++-4.4 . i have snippet of code, const std::string cnw::restoresession(const std::vector<string> &innwsfile) { (std::string &nwfile : innwsfile){ // some... } } that cannot compile because of error: cnwcontroller.cpp:154: error: expected initializer before ‘:’ token can give me advise on how solve problem? your compiler old support range-based for syntax. according gnu first supported in gcc 4.6. gcc requires explicitly request c++11 support, giving command-line option -std=c++11 , or c++0x on compilers old yours. if can't upgrade, you'll need old-school equivalent: for (auto = innwsfile.begin(); != innwsfile.end(); ++it) { std::string const &nwfile = *it; // const needed because innwsfile const //some... } i believe auto available in gcc 4.4 (as long enable c++0x support), save writing std::vector<string>::const_iterator .

c - Graph Paths Abstraction Algorithm Needed -

i have data structure holding graph 1 in following picture: in tree, node can have number of unique children levels below it. in tree in picture represents set of paths. every path should begin node level 1, , ends node of "*" mark. paths of tree in picture are: a c g c g j d g d g j d k, , on... actually original tree huge (around 2 million sequences) , maximum number of nodes per level 61 (of 11 levels). causes many memory consumption problems in application (a computer vision application samsung). my target have iterative algorithm represents these paths in more compact string format. think problem divided 3 steps follows. have built tree data structure (step 2), but still can not derive iterative algorithm gets output string/sequence in step 3 tree . 1- input string: (a c g) | (a c g j) | (a d g) | (a d g j ) | (a d k) | .... , where "|" represents alternatives. 2- building tree data structure of these paths. 3- required output string:

swing - Java Tetris - weird row clearing issue -

i’m encountering couple weird things clearing rows in tetris... if set board’s width , height same (10 , 10): board = new board(10, 10, 35); which determined by: public board(int w, int h, int ts) { width = w; height = h; tilesize = ts; grid = new tile[width][height]; ... } public int getwidth() { return width * tilesize; } public int getheight() { return height * tilesize; } row clearing seems work fine (although, i’m not sure why there hidden row beneath it… shouldn’t fit jframe?): but if set width , height differently (here it’s 10 , 12), rows won’t clear. board = new board(10, 12, 35); row clearing: public void checkbottomfull() { system.out.println(grid.length); int lines = 0; for(int row = grid.length-1; row >= 0; row--) { while (isfull(row)) { lines++; clearrow(row); } } } public boolean isfull(int row) { (int col = 0; col <= grid[row].length-1

salesforce - Deactivate a portal user in a test class -

does know how deactivate portal user in test class ? i'm trying delete accounts assoicated portal user , figured if deactivated portal user may able delete account. i've tried updating user with isportalenabled = false isactive = false however doesn't seem work. when checking user after update, isportalenabled = true , isactive = false. (is salesforce seems doing scenes?)

Can't update SQL Server DB -

everyone. i relatively new java (a complete noob), have had experience i trying update row in sql2008 table. the table name _registry. when compile code below, fails several errors (listed separately after code). if comment out section says " // , here run issues " catch block, runs fine (except table wasn't updated). any assistance appreciated! public static void main(string[] args) { string host = "jdbc:sqlserver://server1\\primrose;databasename=primrose"; string uname = "sa"; string upwd = "p@ssw0rd"; // 2 sql statements using: string querydb = "select * _registry section = 'recids' , key_ = '_folders' , user_ = 'sc_general'"; string updatedb = "update _registry set value recid = 5"; // these 6 columns in table named _registry: int getrecid; // recid [int] identity(1,4) string getuser; // user_ [char](64) string get

c++ - FILE* access violation -

i have annoying access violation problem visual studio 2012. had same problem in visual studio 2010 , thought compiler problem turns out not. here part of code gives me access violation: sdl_surface *cgraphicsmanager::loadimagefrompak(char *filename, char *img_type) { // load 'file' sdl_surface sdl_surface *img = null; char errorname[50]; sprintf(errorname, "unable load image %s pakfile", filename); file *fin = pakfile.open_file(filename); if(!fin) { errorlog(errorname); return null; } sdl_rwops *rw; rw = sdl_rwfromfp(fin, 1); if (!rw) { errorlog("erro na linha 213"); return null; } img = img_loadtyped_rw(rw,0, img_type); // crashes on line if(img == null) errorlog("unable load image pakfile."); sdl_freerw(rw); //pakfile.close_mpk(); //if (img_type == "png") img = add_transparency(img); return img; } i

jquery - Hover Animation Not Completed -

here fiddle illustration purposes: html: <section class="full-w blue"> <div class="container"> <div class="three"></div> <div class="two"></div> </div> </section> <section class="full-w red"> <div class="container"> <div class="two"></div> <div class="three"></div> </div> </section> jquery $('.full-w').hover(function() { margintophero = $(this).find('.two').css("margin-top").replace("px", ""); newmargin = margintophero - 50 + "px"; oldmargin = margintophero + "px"; $(this).find('.two').stop().animate({ 'margin-top

c# - Get the bounds of the plane visible at a specific z coordinate -

using opentk, i've created window (800x600) vertical fov of 90°. want make 2d game background image fits on whole screen. want plane @ variable z coordinate rectanglef. currently code is: var y = (float)(math.tan(math.pi / 4) * z); return new rectanglef(aspectratio * -y, -y, 2 * aspectratio * y, 2 * y); the rectangle calculated little small, effect seems decrease z increasing. hoping find mistake. i want make 2d game background image fits on whole screen. then don't bother perspective calculations. switch orthographic projection drawing background, disabling depth writes. switch perspective projection rest. opengl not scene graph, it's statefull drawing api. make use of fact.

c# - URL-Encoded post parameters don't Bind to model -

i have following model namespace clientapi.models { public class internal { public class reportrequest { public datetime starttime; public datetime endtime; public string filename; public string username; public string password; } } } with following method: [httppost] public httpresponsemessage getquickbooksofxservice(internal.reportrequest request){ return getquickbooksofxservice(request.username, request.password, request.starttime, request.endtime, request.filename); } my webform looks this: <form method="post" action="http://localhost:56772/internal/getquickbooksofxservice" target="_blank"> <input type="text" name="starttime" value="2013-04-03t00:00:00"> <input type="text" name="endtime" value="2013-05-04t00:00:00"> <input type="text" na

bash - POSIX "sort -n" alpha characters between zero and 1? -

i'm having trouble getting posix "sort" behave way want to. when sorting numeric file names, start letters show between 0 , 1. why happen? is there different sort option can use achieve desired result? $touch 0 1 $ls | sort -n desired output: 0 1 a actual output: 0 1 in gnu implementation, "-g" want, that's not posix. unfortunately, means can't use it. if want explicitly sort output as first numerically sorted files 0, 1, 2, 11, 222, , after all other files sorted you can example with cat <(ls -1 | grep '^[0-9]' |sort -n) <(ls -1 | grep -v '^[0-9]' | sort) so catenate output of 2 commands sort numerically files begins numbers, and sort other files (what aren't begins numbers) but, works bash , don't know how bash posix, if bash not ok can use temporary files... - Where is better to store uploaded files in DB as BLOB or in folder with restrictions? -

i'm working fileupload in project. , project high visited (it's not ambitions, because web application work payment system, that's why under high-load). , wonder, what's better storing user's files? project based on . i suggest 2 variants: save as/load blob object into/from database save/load to/from folder files locate , save info files in table owner recognizing, table design in bnf : <user_files> ::= ( <id ::= int, primary_key, auto_increment, indexed><user_id ::= int><file_guid ::= varchar(255)>) | nil i prefer blob , afraid of future high-load. because, fetching data database requires more cpu-time , memory allocations, because: i need use connector, open new socket connect db localhost then must call stored-procedure getting blob object at client-side, must result classes connector i must deserialize it and send file user in uncompressed , not corrupted state, user can later open in editor (files image

c++ - Link Error while creatiing wxSashLayoutWindow in wxwidgets -

i working on wxsashlayoutwindow not able execute ,some 1 please me out of this these link errors getting: 1>myframe.obj : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: bool __thiscall wxlayoutalgorithm::layoutframe(class wxframe *,class wxwindow *)" (? layoutframe@wxlayoutalgorithm@@qae_npavwxframe@@pavwxwindow@@@z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall myframe::myframe(class wxwindow *,int,class wxstring const &,class wxpoint const &,class wxsize const &,long,class wxstring const &)" (?? 0myframe@@qae@pavwxwindow@@habvwxstring@@abvwxpoint@@abvwxsize@@j1@z) 1>myframe.obj : error lnk2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall wxsashwindow::setsashvisible(enum wxsashedgeposition,bool)" (? setsashvisible@wxsashwindow@@qaexw4wxsashedgeposition@@_n@z) referenced in function "public: __thiscall myframe::myframe(class wxwindow *,int,class wxstring const &,class wxpoint const &,class