highcharts - bubble chart with highstock -

can bubble chart highstock ?? if yes need please because didn't work:

       $(function () {          $('#container').highcharts('stockchart',{              chart: {                 type: 'bubble',              },              title: {                 text: 'highcharts bubbles'             },              series: [{                 data: [[date.utc(1970,  9, 27),97,36,79],                 [date.utc(1970, 10, 10),94,74,60],                 [date.utc(1970, 10, 18),68,76,58],                 ]             }]          });         }); 


you must use:

<script src="http://code.highcharts.com/stock/highstock.js"></script> <script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts-more.js"></script>  

jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/b826c/7/

$(function() {     var chart = new highcharts.chart({          chart: {             renderto: 'container',             type: 'bubble'         },         scrollbar: {             enabled: true         },         navigator:{             enabled:true         },         rangeselector: {             enabled:true         },         series: [{             name: 'bubble highstock',             data: [[date.utc(1970,  9, 27),36,79],[date.utc(1970, 10, 10),74,60],[date.utc(1970, 12, 20),76,58]]         }]     }); }); 


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