html - Extra Space on Right Side CSS -

i seem getting space on right side of page. i'm using zurb's foundation/wordpress this.

you can check website here:

any ideas?

first of don't see space on right in firefox. here's general pointers.

if remove limit on x-overflow, can see stuff going on on right. example, page goes on quite bit on right side. might want limit width of main container.

here's how disable:

html, body {     font-size: 100%;     /* overflow-x: hidden; */ } 

this drawing border:

*, *:before, *:after {     -moz-box-sizing: border-box; } 

this giving each row margin left , right:

.row .row {     margin: 0 -0.9375em;     max-width: none;     width: auto; } 

hope helps some.


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