c# - To read two xmls and create treeview control in windows application -

i need 2 create dynamically tree view 2 xmls:

from first xml parent node project a(that text of node ) , child nodes folders till emails second xml , path of second xml in first xml.

please stuck?

xml 1: - <projects> - <project id="proj_1">   <name>project a</name>    <emailfile>d:\tree\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_01_emails.xml</emailfile>    </project> - <project id="proj_2">   <name>project b</name>    <emailfile>d:\tree\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_02_emails.xml</emailfile>    </project> - <project id="proj_3">   <name>project c</name>    <emailfile>d:\tree\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_03_emails.xml</emailfile>    </project>   </projects> 

xml 2:

- <root> - <project id="proj_1"> - <folder id="f1.1"> - <incoming id="incoming"> - <emails> - <email id="01.1">   <subject>god great</subject>    <to>a.mundra@adapt.com</to>    <cc>a.dhiwan@adapt.com</cc>    <emaildate>20/04/2013</emaildate>    <filepath>c:\currentproject\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_01_emails.xml</filepath>    </email> - <email id="01.2">   <subject>god</subject>    <to>a1.mundra@adapt.com</to>    <cc>a2.dhiwan@adapt.com</cc>    <emaildate>20/05/2013</emaildate>    <filepath>c:\currentproject\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_01_emails.xml</filepath>    </email>   </emails>   </incoming> - <outgoing id="outgoing"> - <emails>   <email id="01.1" />    <subject>god great</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    <email id="01.2" />    <subject>god</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    <email id="01.2" />    <subject>hi</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    </emails>   </outgoing>   </folder> - <folder id="f1.2"> - <incoming id="incoming"> - <emails> - <email id="01.1">   <subject>god great</subject>    <to>a.mundra@adapt.com</to>    <cc>a.dhiwan@adapt.com</cc>    <emaildate>20/04/2013</emaildate>    <filepath>c:\currentproject\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_01_emails.xml</filepath>    </email> - <email id="01.2">   <subject>god</subject>    <to>a1.mundra@adapt.com</to>    <cc>a2.dhiwan@adapt.com</cc>    <emaildate>20/05/2013</emaildate>    <filepath>c:\currentproject\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_01_emails.xml</filepath>    </email>   </emails>   </incoming> - <outgoing id="outgoing"> - <emails>   <email id="01.1" />    <subject>god great</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    <email id="01.2" />    <subject>god</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    <email id="01.2" />    <subject>hi</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    </emails>   </outgoing>   </folder> - <folder id="f1.3"> - <incoming id="incoming"> - <emails> - <email id="01.1">   <subject>god great</subject>    <to>a.mundra@adapt.com</to>    <cc>a.dhiwan@adapt.com</cc>    <emaildate>20/04/2013</emaildate>    <filepath>c:\currentproject\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_01_emails.xml</filepath>    </email> - <email id="01.2">   <subject>god</subject>    <to>a1.mundra@adapt.com</to>    <cc>a2.dhiwan@adapt.com</cc>    <emaildate>20/05/2013</emaildate>    <filepath>c:\currentproject\pems-offline-application\xmlfiles\proj_01_emails.xml</filepath>    </email>   </emails>   </incoming> - <outgoing id="outgoing"> - <emails>   <email id="01.1" />    <subject>god great</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    <email id="01.2" />    <subject>god</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    <email id="01.2" />    <subject>hi</subject>    \    <to />    <cc />    <emaildate />    <filepath />    </emails>   </outgoing>   </folder>   </project>   </root> 

following c# implementation. since it's working in backgroundworker thread, please remove it, if not use.

    private void convertxmlnodetotreenode(backgroundworker worker, doworkeventargs args, xmlnode xmlnode, treenodecollection treenodes)     {         treenode newtreenode = null;         string nodetext = null;          if (worker.cancellationpending == true)         {             args.cancel = true;             return;         }          invoke((methodinvoker)delegate         {             newtreenode = treenodes.add(xmlnode.name);         });          switch (xmlnode.nodetype)         {             case xmlnodetype.processinginstruction:             case xmlnodetype.xmldeclaration:                 nodetext = "<?" + xmlnode.name + " " + xmlnode.value + "?>";                 break;             case xmlnodetype.element:                 nodetext = "<" + xmlnode.name + ">";                 break;             case xmlnodetype.attribute:                 nodetext = "attribute: " + xmlnode.name;                 break;             case xmlnodetype.text:             case xmlnodetype.cdata:                 nodetext = xmlnode.value;                 break;             case xmlnodetype.comment:                 nodetext = "<!--" + xmlnode.value + "-->";                 break;         }         if (!string.isnullorempty(nodetext))         {             invoke((methodinvoker)delegate             {                 newtreenode.text = nodetext;             });         }          if (xmlnode.attributes != null)         {             foreach (xmlattribute attribute in xmlnode.attributes)             {                 convertxmlnodetotreenode(worker, args, attribute, newtreenode.nodes);             }         }         foreach (xmlnode childnode in xmlnode.childnodes)         {             convertxmlnodetotreenode(worker, args, childnode, newtreenode.nodes);         }     } 


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