c# - Using Roslyn to parse/transform/generate code: am I aiming too high, or too low? -

(what i'm trying work around application.settings/mvvm problem generating interface , wrapper class vs-generated settings file.)

what i'd is:

  • parse class declaration file
  • generate interface declaration based on (non static) properties of class
  • generate wrapper class implements interface, takes instance of original class in constructor, , 'pipes' properties through instance.
  • generate class implements interface directly.

my question two-fold:

  • am barking wrong tree? better off using code-dom, t4, regex(!) this, or part of this? (i don't mind bit of work, learning experience.)
  • if roslyn way go, bit of should looking at? kind of naively hoping there way of walking tree , spitting out bits want, i'm having trouble getting head round whether/how use syntaxrewriter it, or whether use fluent-style construction, querying source multiple times bits need.

if want comment on mvvm aspect can, that's not main thrust of question :)

if requirement parsing c# source code, think roslyn choice. , if you're going use part, think makes sense use code generations.

code generation using roslyn can quite verbose (especially when compared codedom), think that's not going big issue you.

i think syntaxrewriter best suited making localized changes in code. you're asking parsing whole class , generating types based on that, think that, querying syntax tree directly work best.

for example, simplest example of generating read-only interface properties in class this:

var originalclass =     compilationunit.descendantnodes().oftype<classdeclarationsyntax>().single(); string originalclassname = originalclass.identifier.valuetext; var properties =     originalclass.descendantnodes().oftype<propertydeclarationsyntax>();  var generatedinterface =     syntaxfactory.interfacedeclaration('i' + originalclassname)           .addmembers(               properties.select(                   p =>                   syntaxfactory.propertydeclaration(p.type, p.identifier)                         .addaccessorlistaccessors(                             syntaxfactory.accessordeclaration(syntaxkind.getaccessordeclaration)                                   .withsemicolontoken(syntaxfactory.token(syntaxkind.semicolontoken))))                         .toarray()); 


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