mod rewrite - .htaccess for identical url -

i have url

http://localhost/sahara/product.php?action=viewcat http://localhost/sahara/product.php?action=viewsubcat&catparent=40 

and htaccess

rewriterule product-action-(.*)\.html$ product.php?action=$1 rewriterule product-action-(.*)-catparent-(.*)\.html$ product.php?action=$1&catparent=$2 

then when call rewrite url, first code work

http://localhost/sahara/product-action-viewcat.html ---> it's work  http://localhost/sahara/product-action-viewsubcat-catparent-40.html ---> it's not work 

what correct code htaccess script thanks

this because uri /sahara/product-action-viewsubcat-catparent-40.html matches first pattern: product-action-(.*)\.html$. (.*) part of regular expression, matches everything, matching viewsubcat-catparent-40 part of uri.

you either need make expression more restrictive, or change order of 2 rules:

more restrictive (something this):

rewriterule product-action-([a-z]+)\.html$ product.php?action=$1 [l] rewriterule product-action-([a-z]+)-catparent-([0-9]+)\.html$ product.php?action=$1&catparent=$2 [l] 

or reverse order:

rewriterule product-action-(.*)-catparent-(.*)\.html$ product.php?action=$1&catparent=$2 rewriterule product-action-(.*)\.html$ product.php?action=$1 


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