web config transform - Powershell Script: prompt a file (by mask) and use that file in a command line -
disclaimer: don't know enough ps accomplish in reasonable amount of time, yes, asking else dirty job.
i want able run web.config transformation without opening command line.
i have following files in folder:
web.config - actual web config web.qa.config - web config transformation qa env web.production.config - web config transformation production env transform.ps1 - powershell script want use run transformation
here want: ps file shall enumerate current directory using .*\.(?<env>.*?)\.config
, let me choose <env>
interested in generate web.config for. in example presented 2 options: "qa", "production".
after (user) select environment (let's "qa", selected environment stored $env, , corresponding filename stored $transformation) script shall following:
- backup original
- execute following command:
echo applying $transformation... [ctt][1].exe source:web.config transformation:$transformation destination:web.config preservewhitespaces verbose echo done.
ctt.exe tool based on xdt runs web.config transformation command line.
okay, looks simple enough, i'll dirty job you. ;)
save following transform.ps1:
$environments = @()f gci | %{if ($_ -match '.*\.(?<env>.*?)\.config') {$environments += $matches.env}} write-host "`nenvironments:" ($i = 0; $i -lt $environments.length; $i++) {write-host "[$($i + 1)] $($environments[$i])"} write-host { $selection = [int](read-host "please select environment") if ($selection -gt 0 -and $selection -le $environments.length) { $continue = $true } else { write-host "invalid selection. please enter number of environment select list." } } until ($continue) $transformation = "web.$($environments[$selection - 1]).config" if (test-path .\web.config) { cpi .\web.config .\web.config.bak } else { write-warning "web.config not exist. no backup created." } if ($?) { write-host "`napplying $transformation..." [ctt][1].exe source:web.config transformation:$transformation destination:web.config preservewhitespaces verbose write-host "done.`n" } else { write-error "failed create backup of web.config. transformation aborted." }
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