How to add a 3rd party Log framework ( log4net ) to mvvmcross? -

i use log4net in mvvmcross replace mvxdebugtrace, don't want change core source code, possible ?

debugtrace initialised inside setup in initializedebugservices.

currently implemented on each platform using these steps (example android):

this initialisedebugservices method marked virtual - can override in own setup.cs class within each platform.

for building bridge mvx log4net, you'll need implement simple imvxtrace interface -

with done... on each platform should able implement myspecialtrace implements imvxtrace, , should able initialise in setup using:

    protected override void initializedebugservices()     {          mvx.registersingleton<imvxtrace>(new myspecialtrace());          mvxtrace.initialize();     } 


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