php - PDO statement where table and field names are variables -
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i trying update db using pdo statement, have had no real problems until try update using variables name , field .
$real_function = 'top' ; $value = 99 ; $tablename = "twitter_control" ; $stmt = $pdo->prepare("update ? set ?=? id='control' "); $stmt->execute(array( $tablename, $real_function, $value ));
if use code works expected
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("update twitter_control set top=? id='control' "); $stmt->execute(array( $value ));
how can make work ? , suggestions please ?
you can do:
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("update {$tablename} set {$real_function}=? id='control' ");
in prepare statement work. far know can bind values execute input parameter or bindparam function.. if can correct me otherwise..
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