java - How to reverse a String array based on it's index value -

i want reverse this:

customarray = myarray; namearray = new string[myarray.size()];  (int = 0; < myarray.size(); i++) {      idarray[i] = myarray.get(i).getunitid();      namearray[i] = myarray.get(i).getunitname(); }  if (sorttype == sort)     arrays.sort(idarray, collections.reverseorder());     arrays.sort(namearray, ...); 

i know how reverse using arrays.sort(stringarray, collections.reverseorder()); not index value.

how can reverse order of namearray based on it's namearray[i]?.. or better, since idarray list of unique id's sort namearray based on idarray.

the solution problem use oop approach. after all, java oop language. instead of having 2 arrays:

int[] unitid string[] unitname 

which can't sort in way indexes stay corresponding, write class unit implements comparable<unit> , use 1 array:

unit[] units 



will job.

you need own class:

public class unit implements comparable<unit> {      private int id;      private string name;      // constructor      // methods      @override     public int compareto(unit other) {         // sorts id         return -;         // sort name, use this:         // return;   } } 


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