Configuring NetBeans 7.3 JPQL editor? -

i have restful service builds , runs fine. however, when try use jpql editor, gives error:

java.lang.exception: need add persistence provider library either project classpath or registed ant library within netbeans need register database connection on services tab

i'm using eclipselink 2.4.1 persistence library, , have library added in ant manager "eclipselink 2.4." when failed, made library called "eclipselink (jpa 2.0)(default)" match persistence.xml gui name it. tried creating library named "org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.persistenceprovider. failed , i'm stumped.

i have connection sql server database i'm using , works fine.

i unsure of need working. editor seems great boon, there doesn't seem documentation on it, nor questions problems similar mine. if can help, great.


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