java - Spring security does not work -

i getting error when try login (or, when abort http basic dialog escape)

http status 401 - preparedstatementcallback; bad sql grammar [select username,authority authorities username = ?]; nested exception org.postgresql.util.psqlexception: error: relation "authorities" not exist position: 32

however, shouldn't enough 2 query attributes below when want use group based security? need define query attribute to? authorities-by-username-query="" why isn't working?

<security:authentication-manager>     <security:authentication-provider>         <security:jdbc-user-service data-source-ref="datasource"                                     users-by-username-query="..."                                     group-authorities-by-username-query="..." />     </security:authentication-provider> </security:authentication-manager> 

source jdbcdaoimpl:

if (enableauthorities) {     dbauthsset.addall(loaduserauthorities(user.getusername())); }  if (enablegroups) {     dbauthsset.addall(loadgroupauthorities(user.getusername())); } 

is problem enablegroups still set false? doesn't seem there's way configure using jdbc-user-service element in namespace configuration. spring jira issue sec-1625 seems confirm this.

try declaring jdbcdaoimpl instance bean instead.


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