f# - scripts don't recognize FSharp.Data -

somewhat of f# beginner. i'm trying test out of xmltypeprovider code in interactive window first entering in script (fsx) file. script file won't recognize following

open fsharp.data  // gives "the namespace or module 'fsharp' not defined" 

everything has been added reference, , .fs files seem not have problems finding xmltypeprovider reference reason, script in same project not. got code work in .fs file.

i added fsharp.data nuget , seem add correctly. missing here?

add reference in script nuget packages folder contains fsharp.data.dll. folder contains designer dll (fsharp.data.designtime.dll)

#r @"<your nuget packages folder>\fsharp.data.2.1.0\lib\net40\fsharp.data.dll" 


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