php - selecting the data from database except a particular name -
i listing users have registered in users table. want hide name 'superadmin' in name column.
my query this
$sql = "select u.rowid,, u.firstname,, u.job, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile,"; $sql.= " u.admin, u.login, u.webcal_login, u.phenix_login, u.phenix_pass, u.note,"; $sql.= " u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp,"; $sql.= " u.fk_societe, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.ldap_sid,"; $sql.= " u.statut, u.lang, u.entity,"; $sql.= " u.datec datec,"; $sql.= " u.tms datem,"; $sql.= " u.datelastlogin datel,"; $sql.= " u.datepreviouslogin datep,"; $sql.= " photo,"; $sql.= " u.openid openid,"; $sql.= " u.ref_int, u.ref_ext"; $sql.= " ".main_db_prefix."user u"; if (! empty($conf->multicompany->enabled) && ! empty($conf->multicompany->transverse_mode)) { $sql.= " u.entity not null"; } else { $sql.= " u.entity in (0,".$conf->entity.")"; } if ($sid) // permet une recherche du user par son sid activedirectory ou samba { $sql.= " , (u.ldap_sid = '".$sid."' or u.login = '".$this->db->escape($login)."') limit 1"; } else if ($login) { $sql.= " , u.login = '".$this->db->escape($login)."'"; } else { $sql.= " , u.rowid = ".$id; } dol_syslog(get_class($this)."::fetch sql=".$sql, log_debug); $result = $this->db->query($sql); if ($result) { $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result); if ($obj) { $this->id = $obj->rowid; $this->ref = $obj->rowid; $this->ref_int = $obj->ref_int; $this->ref_ext = $obj->ref_ext; $this->ldap_sid = $obj->ldap_sid; $this->nom = $obj->name; // todo deprecated $this->lastname = $obj->name; $this->prenom = $obj->firstname; // todo deprecated $this->firstname = $obj->firstname; $this->login = $obj->login; $this->pass_indatabase = $obj->pass; $this->pass_indatabase_crypted = $obj->pass_crypted; $this->pass = $obj->pass; $this->pass_temp = $obj->pass_temp; $this->office_phone = $obj->office_phone; $this->office_fax = $obj->office_fax; $this->user_mobile = $obj->user_mobile; $this->email = $obj->email; $this->job = $obj->job; $this->signature = $obj->signature; $this->admin = $obj->admin; $this->note = $obj->note; $this->statut = $obj->statut; $this->photo = $obj->photo; $this->openid = $obj->openid; $this->lang = $obj->lang; $this->entity = $obj->entity; $this->datec = $this->db->jdate($obj->datec); $this->datem = $this->db->jdate($obj->datem); $this->datelastlogin = $this->db->jdate($obj->datel); $this->datepreviouslogin = $this->db->jdate($obj->datep); $this->webcal_login = $obj->webcal_login; $this->phenix_login = $obj->phenix_login; $this->phenix_pass_crypted = $obj->phenix_pass; $this->societe_id = $obj->fk_societe; $this->contact_id = $obj->fk_socpeople; $this->fk_member = $obj->fk_member; if (! $this->lang) $this->lang='fr_fr'; $this->db->free($result);
is possible union method, me in this. tried adding distinct didn't work. want hide name superadmin
one where
condition do:
$sql .= " `u`.`name` <> 'superadmin';";
this fetch values except when name = 'superadmin';
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