In Maven, how can I exclude all transitive dependencies from a particular dependency? -

i want exclude transitive dependencies 1 dependency. in places i've seen suggested use wildcard that

<dependency>   <groupid>myparentpackage</groupid>   <artifactid>myparentproject</artifactid>   <version>1.00.000</version>               <exclusions>     <exclusion>         <groupid>*</groupid>         <artifactid>*</artifactid>     </exclusion>   </exclusions> </dependency> 

when warning:

'dependencies.dependency.exclusions.exclusion.groupid' myparentpackage:myparentproject:jar value '*' not match valid id pattern. @ line 146, column 30 

the declaration successful though: transitive dependencies ignored in build.

i've found old feature request request exactly feature

so don't know if deprecated feature shouldn't use, if warning's wrong, or of feature hasn't been implemented yet (i'm using maven 3.0.4) ...does know more this?

this supported feature in maven 3.2.1 - see 'transitive dependency excludes' section in release notes.


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