how to ignore fetching a child table in hibernate -

i have 2 tables . health & network

this health table entity:

   @table(name="health")    public class health   implements serializable {  private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;  @id  @column(name="hid") private int hid;  @column(name="ivid") private int ivid;  @joincolumn(name = "nwid") @manytoone(fetch = fetchtype.lazy) private networks nwid; 


i trying fetch health row against there nothing available in network table , thats why not giving me rows record of health table..

where want row health , dont want network table record..

if dont use crit.createalias... server call failed.

            try       {         session = sessionfactory.opensession();         criteria crit = session.createcriteria(health.class);         crit.createalias("nwid", "network");         crit.createalias("network.statsid", "stats");         crit.add(restrictions.eq("ivid", 0));            iterator<health> = crit.list().iterator();         while(it.hasnext()){         health  =;          } 

try change this:

crit.createalias("nwid", "network"); 


crit.createalias("nwid", "network", criteriaspecification.left_join); 


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