couchapp - CouchDB-Lucene index function doesn't work with external code -

i'm using couchdb-lucene retrieving data of tables in database. thing have parse data know ones want put in lucene index.

so, thought use class wrote process data. , use couchapp directives add class in index function.

the result looks this:

//index function function (doc) {    var myclass = new myclass(;    var ret = new document();     ret.add(myclass.getresult());     return ret; }  //couchapp directives: //! vendor/couchapp/myclass.js 

when @ design document, seems code correctly added, when execute search, lucene says "myclass not defined".

if try copy/paste "myclass" code manually (and therefore no longer using couchapp directive), lucene says document has incorrect ending.

what missing?

edit: removed real function code has no point in issue.

is !vendor inlining myclass code "index" value?

the error got when included myclass code directly sounds javascript error of own. couchdb-lucene evaluates string use rhino full javascript engine.

perhaps if include full "index" value more obvious.


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