mvc - Select2 is not showing dropdown, clear, or anyother images -
i think missing here.
select2 working fine in mvc application, except, not showing dropdown image, search image, clear image, or should other image part of plugin.
following how have used in page:
1) razor view
<div> <input id="countrieslist" type="hidden" class="bigdrop"/> </div>
2) script
$('#countrieslist').select2( { placeholder: 'select countries', minimuminputlength: 0, maximumselectionsize: 3, multiple: true, allowclear:true, ajax: { url: '@url.action("getcountrieslist", "geography")', datatype: 'json', data: function (term, page) { return { searchterm: term }; }, results: function (data, page) { return { results: data }; } } });
also, have copied select2 files (i.e. js, css, images, , all) in same folder structure downloaded site, , can see css , js being loaded well. seems not using appropriate classes due images not getting loaded.
any idea of may missing here?
i worked out myself. while bundling used in mvc application, style bundles must have names similar physical folder containing css.
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