c# - Need to debug my Web API service that's requested from a client machine - need help, how do I do this? -

i built web api service that's hosted locally on machine in iis. have ios app i'm running via xcode makes call web service. connectivity there, , works. ios app makes connection published web service.

the problem web service returning non descriptive error client (ios), need able step through web service code while running ios app.

so, in summary:

  1. i run ios app via macbook, , connects .net web api service.
  2. my web api service published local iis, , returning error client.
  3. breakpoints aren't being hit in visual studio - need attach visual studio debugger specific process? i've tried running web service in debug mode while running ios app, no avail.

how can step through web service code when running client app (ios) accesses web service?

attach process - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/3s68z0b3.aspx

make sure "show processes users" checked, , pick w3wp.exe

you may need hit service once first make sure started.


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