Cannot edit recordset after setting table Connect property, Access 2010 -

i've added screen allows changing tables connect property users can change databases.

here's values change:

odbc;description=####;driver=sql server;server=server2008\mssqlserver2008;uid=#### ;pwd=####;app=microsoft office 2010;database=#### 

after doing so, piece of code:

with me.child5.form.recordset 'linked tabled     .movefirst     while not .eof         .edit         !allow = false         !readonly = false         .update         .movenext     loop end 

raises "error '3027': cannot update. database or object read-only'.

i should before changing connect property works fine regards piece of code. also, after changing connect property, changing information in other forms bounded other tables, changes take effect no error raised, database not read-only.

any ideas? thanks

edit: called refreshlink after setting connect, , changes in other tables did take effect in new database.

the uid giving sql server in odbc connection string read-only uid. uid db-owner uid, can make edits.

in addition, if recordset created join in sql statement prevented editing recordset.


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