javascript - CKEditor 4 - How to set default font? -

i use ckeditor 4 , want set default font. added "font_defaultlabel" font choice doesn't work ...

i found solution on internet it's trick me , not true solution :

ckeditor.on( 'instanceready', function( ev ) {      ev.editor.setdata('<span style="font-family:arial, verdana, sans-serif;">&shy;</span>'); }); 

can me?


you can use ckeditor's dataprocessor modify (for example) paragraphs choice font-size, font-family, affect paragraph entered ckeditor pasted, written or changed in source; this:

ckeditor.on('instanceready', function( ev ) {   ev.editor.dataprocessor.htmlfilter.addrules({     elements: {       p: function (e) { = 'font-size:' + fontsizevariable + 'px; font-family:' + fontfamilyvariable + ';'; }     }   }); }); 

same dataprocessor.datafilter

but if intend view html created outside of environment, these rules might make real mess


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