forms - Newbie Django filter uniques 2 many values -

i trying filter uniques list form:

class specform(modelform):     = doctors_list.objects.values_list('specialty', flat=true)     unique = {z: i, z in a}     qs = doctors_list.objects.filter(id__in=unique.values())     specialty = forms.modelchoicefield(queryset=qs)  class meta:     model = doctors_list 

everything seems correct me, error: too many values unpack

any hints?

i think correct statement should this:

unique = {z: in a} 

are trying put values dictionary? yield list:

unique = [ in ] 

if go this, have remove .values() in qs = doctors_list.objects.filter(id__in=unique.values()) leaving this:

qs = doctors_list.objects.filter(id__in=unique) 

what's going on here brackets in first approach you're creating dictionary 1 key , list value of key. when issue .values() list dictionary's values. it's pointless use dictionary.

with second approach list directly.

hope helps.


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