c# - Parameters supplied for object which is not a function. If the parameters are intended as a table hint, a WITH keyword is required -

i'm running windows 7 , ii7 , sql server 2008 r2 . have aspx program , when try run following error

parameters supplied object 'users' not function. if parameters intended table hint, keyword required.

what i've coded :

  public arraylist getgoodslist(string type, string goodstype, string user, string paytype, bool flag)     {         conn = new sqlconnection(system.configuration.configurationmanager.appsettings["conn"].tostring());          dataset ds = new dataset();         ssql = "select count(*) users('" + type + "','" + goodstype + "','" + user + "','" + paytype + "')";         if (flag == true)         {             ssql += "where iscommend = 1";         }          sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand();         cmd.connection = conn;         cmd.commandtext = ssql;         conn.open();         int maxrow = int32.parse(cmd.executescalar().tostring());          ssql = "select * users('" + type + "','" + goodstype + "','" + user + "','" + paytype + "')";         if (flag == true)         {             ssql += "where iscommend = 1";         }         cmd.commandtext = ssql;         sqldatareader reader = cmd.executereader();          arraylist ginfos = new arraylist();         goodsinfo ginfo;          (int = 0; < maxrow; i++)         {             if (reader.read())             {                 ginfo = new goodsinfo();                 ginfo.g_id = int32.parse(reader["g_id"].tostring());                 ginfo.g_name = reader["g_name"].tostring();                 ginfo.type = reader["type"].tostring();                 ginfo.goodstype = reader["goodstype"].tostring();                 ginfos.add(ginfo);             }         }         conn.close();         return ginfos;     } 

any idea? thanks!

without giving away answer, issue in in select statement, ssql = ...

it's not correct sql syntax.

have read of this wikipedia article on select statement.


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