E2E testing remote AngularJS application -

i'm trying realize e2e testing of existing angularjs application karma test runner. application located on host1.internal , i'm on host2.internal. in karma config file have:

proxies = {   '/': 'http://host1.internal/', }; 

before logging in shows different <div>'s inside of index.html, after logging in hides visible before divs ng-hide='loggedin'. problem partial view files being fetched <div ng-view> angularjs routing config that:

$routeprovider.   when('/', {     controller: overviewcontroller,     templateurl: 'views/overview.html',     // templateurl: 'http://host2.internal/views/overview.html',     title_prefix: 'home'   }).  etc. etc. etc. 

and these errors in browser's console:

get http://localhost:9876/views/homepage.html 404 (not found) 

as can see in routing config code snippet, i've tried getting templates full url, unfortunately, request not simple get, it's options (i'm not sure why?) , i'm getting error old access-control-allow-origin header.

how configure proxy in karma config correctly fetch these static files? or other solution?


i've found solution problem, i've put $templatecache use. way html files being loaded in 1 .js file rest scripts on index.html.

if use grunt me, @ grunt-html2js.



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