c++ - Boost serialization tutorial program, error after running -

i installed boost-serialization default options , result

ashot@ashot-desktop:~/boost_1_53_0$ sudo ./b2 install  component configuration:      - atomic                   : not building     - chrono                   : not building     - context                  : not building     - date_time                : not building     - exception                : not building     - filesystem               : not building     - graph                    : not building     - graph_parallel           : not building     - iostreams                : not building     - locale                   : not building     - math                     : not building     - mpi                      : not building     - program_options          : not building     - python                   : not building     - random                   : not building     - regex                    : not building     - serialization            : building     - signals                  : not building     - system                   : not building     - test                     : not building     - thread                   : not building     - timer                    : not building     - wave                     : not building  ...patience... ...found 20271 targets... 

i downloaded boost serialization tutorial file http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_53_0/libs/serialization/example/demo.cpp , compiled it.

after running getting error

ashot@ashot-desktop:~/c++$ g++ demo.cpp -lboost_serialization ashot@ashot-desktop:~/c++$ ./a.out  ./a.out: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_serialization.so.1.53.0: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory 


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