ruby - Make has_secure_password optional in rails 3.2.13 -

is possible make has_secure_password optional in rails 3.2.13? know there flag validations: false when attempt use it, gives me error i'm using 1 argument 0 needed.

the purpose of me allow creation of user without password set, user can set password on separate page.

edit: want validate other requirements except password, such validates :username, : presence => true, :length => { :minimum => 3 } , other requirements.

edit 2: see here , here more of looking for. looking write has_secure_password validations: false @ top of model, gives me error have argument none needed. feature not in rails 3.2.13?

after researching source of 3.2.13 realized release of 3.2.13 did not include ability use validations: false flag. see 3.2.13 source, compared current master branch's source.


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