arrays - Append does not work with mousepressed? -
i having issue project, , cannot figure out. processing telling me have not array, not see how not. also, issue occurs when click mouse in attempt make else appear.
int numparticles = 200; genparticle [] p = new genparticle[numparticles]; float r=170; float g=150; float b=85; float velx; float vely; void setup(){ size(500,500); nostroke(); smooth(); framerate(30); (int i=0; i<p.length; i++){ velx = random(-1,1); vely = -i; p[i]=new genparticle(width/2,height/2,velx,vely,5.0,width/2,height/2); } } void draw(){ fill(0,20); rect(0,0,width,height); fill(255,60); for(int i=0; i<p.length; i++){ p[i].update(); p[i].regenerate(); p[i].display(); } } void mousepressed() { genparticle gp = new genparticle(mousex,mousey, velx, vely,5.0,mousex,mousey); p = (genparticle[]) append(gp,p); } class genparticle extends particle{ float originx,originy; genparticle(int xin,int yin,float vxin,float vyin,float r,float ox,float oy){ super(xin, yin, vxin, vyin, r); originx=ox; originy=oy; } void regenerate(){ if ((x>width+radius) || (x<-radius) || (y>height+radius) || (y<-radius)){ x=originx; y=originy; vx=random(-1.0,1.0); vy=random(-4.0,-2.0); } } } class particle{ float x, y; float vx,vy; float radius; float gravity=0.1; float r=0; float g=0; float b=0; particle(int xpos,int ypos,float velx,float vely,float r){ x=xpos; y=ypos; vx=velx; vy=vely; radius=r; } void update(){ vy=vy+gravity; y += vy; x += vx; } void display(){ fill(r,g,b); ellipse(x, y, radius*3,radius*3); if(mousex>width/2){ r=r+9; }else{ g=g+6; } if(mousey>height/2){ b=b+7; }else{ b=b-3; } if(keypressed) { g=g+1; }else{ g=g-5; } r=constrain(r,0,255); g=constrain(g,0,255); b=constrain(b,0,255); } }
syntax error: array first parameter , object want append second parameter of append() function
your mousepressed should this:
void mousepressed() { genparticle gp = new genparticle(mousex,mousey, velx, vely,5.0,mousex,mousey); p = (genparticle[]) append(p,pg); }
notice array p
goes first, object (append array p object pg).
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