android - Batch script not running just stops at cd of folder when trying to modify multiplue files -
i have script in main script section not function correctly
you can download full thing here changes working on , cant seemt work when in theory should
cls echo weclome batch optimization menu echo have 1 of 3 options echo 1 batch zipalign echo 2 batch optomize png files echo 3 batch optomize png files zipalign apk files afterword. set /p input=type input 1 - 3: %=% if (%input%)==1 goto zipo if (%input%)==2 goto ponly if (%input%)==3 goto zipb :zipo %%f in (place-apk-here-to-batch-optimize\*.apk) (call :zipoa "%%f") :zipoa if %1 == () goto zipob cd other start "starting batch zipalign of apk files" batchzip01 goto restart :zipob echo folder empty please place files inside , try again pause goto restart :ponly %%f in (place-apk-here-to-batch-optimize\*.apk) (call :ponlya "%%f") :ponlya if %1 == () goto ponlyb cd other start "starting batch optomize of png files" batchopt01 goto restart :ponlyb echo folder empty please place files inside , try again pause goto restart :zipb %%f in (place-apk-here-to-batch-optimize\*.apk) (call :zipba "%%f") :zipba if %1 == () goto zipbb cd other start "starting batch optomize of png files zipalign of apk files " batchopt02 goto restart :zipbb echo folder empty please place files inside , try again pause goto restart
but when try run of 3 option hang example when run option run both roptipng , zipalign sit there after cding folder
@echo off cd ../place-apk-here-to-batch-optimize %%f in (*.apk) (call :optipng "%%f") :optipng if %1 == () goto end :: makes working folders md "..\optimized" md "%~dp0untouched" md "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1" :: uncompressing contents of apks "%~dp07za.exe" x -o"%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1" %1 :: moves 9.png files seperate folder before optomizing normale png files mkdir "%~dp0temp" xcopy "apkopt_temp_%~n1\res\*.9.png" "%~dp0temp" /s /y :: -o* (0-99) specifies how image optimized "%~dp0roptipng.exe" -o99 "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1\**\*.png" xcopy "%~dp0temp" "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1\res" /s /y rmdir "%~dp0temp" /s /q copy /b %1 "..\untouched" del /q %1 :: -mx%usrc% (0-9) indicates compression level used working apks "%~dp07za.exe" -tzip "..\optimized\%~n1.apk" "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1\*" -mx%usrc% -mmt rd /s /q "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1" :end echo batch optomize of png files completed. paused exit
@echo off cd ../place-apk-here-to-batch-optimize %%f in (*.apk) (call :optipng "%%f") :optipng if %1 == () goto end :: makes working folders md "..\optimized" md "%~dp0untouched" md "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1" :: uncompressing contents of apks "%~dp07za.exe" x -o"%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1" %1 :: moves 9.png files seperate folder before optomizing normale png files mkdir "%~dp0temp" xcopy "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1\res\*.9.png" "%~dp0temp" /s /y :: -o* (0-99) specifies how image optimized "%~dp0roptipng.exe" -o99 "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1\**\*.png" xcopy "%~dp0temp" "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1\res" /s /y rmdir "temp" /s /q copy /b %1 "%~dp0untouched" del /q %1 :: -mx%usrc% (0-9) indicates compression level used working apks %~dp07za.exe" -tzip "..\optimized\%~n1.apk" "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1\*" -mx%usrc% -mmt rd /s /q "%~dp0apkopt_temp_%~n1" :end echo batch optomize of png files completed beginig zipalign functions. cd "%~dp0" start "starting batch zipalign of apk files" batchzip02 exit
@echo off cd ../place-apk-here-to-batch-optimize %%f in ("*.apk) (call :zipalign "%%f") :zipalign if %1 == () goto end :: makes working folder md "../zipaligned" :: -zipalign -v * (4) indicates amount of bytes used optimize apks "%~dp0zipalign.exe" -v 4 "%~n1.apk" "../zipaligned\%~n1.apk" del /q %1 :end exit
@echo off cd ../optimized %%f in ("*.apk) (call :zipalign "%%f") :zipalign if %1 == () goto end :: makes working folder md "..\zipaligned" :: -zipalign -v * (4) indicates amount of bytes used optimize apks "%~dp0zipalign.exe" -v 4 "%~n1.apk" "..\zipaligned\%~n1.apk" del /q %1 :end exit
in scripts, replace start commands call. ditch comments.
start "starting batch zipalign of apk files" batchzip01
call batchzip01
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