ruby on rails - Mongoid, calling update_attributes twice to persist change -

i have following models:

class group   ...   has_many :users, dependent: :delete   ... end  class user   belongs_to :group   has_one :invitation, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: 'to_id'    validates_presence_of :group end  class invitation   belongs_to :to, class_name: "user"    validates :to, presence: true end 

if create new group = group.create!(name: 'foo'), group.persisted? => true , update user's group user.update_attributes!(group: group):

mongodb (1.4ms) db['system.namespaces'].find({}) mongodb (13.7ms) db['invitations'].find({"to_id"=>bson::objectid('5170657d627b165f33000002')}).limit(-1).sort([[:_id, :asc]]) mongodb (204.4ms) db['users'].find({:deleted_at=>nil, "user_id"=>bson::objectid('5170657d627b165f33000002')}).limit(-1).sort([[:_id, :asc]]) mongodb (1.0ms) db['groups'].find({:deleted_at=>nil, :_id=>bson::objectid('516db306627b164bdb000012'), :_type=>{"$in"=>["account"]}}).limit(-1).sort([[:_id, :asc]]) mongodb (183.2ms) db['$cmd'].find({"count"=>"users", "query"=>{:deleted_at=>nil, :slug=>"7d3a-jonathan-grin", :_id=>{"$ne"=>bson::objectid('5170657d627b165f33000002')}}, "fields"=>nil}).limit(-1) mongodb (0.2ms) db['users'].update({"_id"=>bson::objectid('5170657d627b165f33000002')}, {"$set"=>{"slug"=>"7d3a-jonathan-grin", "updated_at"=>2013-05-02 20:54:42 utc}}) => true 

as can see in last sentence of mongoid log (update method), group not being set.

if run user.update_attributes!(group: group) once again:

mongodb (132.9ms) db['$cmd'].find({"count"=>"users", "query"=>{:deleted_at=>nil, :slug=>"1e30-jonathan-grin", :_id=>{"$ne"=>bson::objectid('5170657d627b165f33000002')}}, "fields"=>nil}).limit(-1) mongodb (0.1ms) db['users'].update({"_id"=>bson::objectid('5170657d627b165f33000002')}, {"$set"=>{"group_id"=>bson::objectid('5182d256218c5a0c8a000004'), "slug"=>"1e30-jonathan-grin", "updated_at"=>2013-05-02 20:56:34 utc}}) => true 

i 2 queries , group updated.

same occurs group.users << user.

  • all callbacks commented.
  • i'm testing in rails console.
  • mongogodb version 2.2.3
  • mongoid version 2.6.0


which safety level using?

depending on how configure it, mongoid might reporting change persisted when in fact recorded in memory on mongodb server - not yet persisted disk

try this:

 group.with(safe: {w:2,fsync:true}).create!  # requires mongoid 3.x 


 group.safely(w:2, fsync: true).create!   # requires mongoid 2.x 

you can set default safety level in config/mongoid.yml file of rails project.

see also:

the values can passed :safe are:

  • true: persist in safe mode, no options.
  • false: don't persist in safe mode.
  • fsync: true|false: whether perform fsync.
  • w: n: number of nodes write before returning.
  • wtimeout: n: timeout value writing multiple nodes.


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