c# - Script stops on specific command without go into catch block -
i have powershell script powercli commands install , configure virtual machines.
these settings in environment
- windows server 2008 r2
- esx 4.1
- powershell v2
- powercli 5.1
the script triggered user on website. following code start script. pathtoscript unc path
const string path32bitpowershell = @"c:\windows\syswow64\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe"; public static void run32bitpowershell(string pathtoscript, boolean waitforexit, string arguments = "") { process powershellprocess = new process(); powershellprocess.startinfo.createnowindow = true; powershellprocess.startinfo.windowstyle = processwindowstyle.normal; powershellprocess.startinfo.filename = path32bitpowershell; powershellprocess.startinfo.workingdirectory = @"c:\"; powershellprocess.startinfo.arguments = pathtoscript + " " + arguments; powershellprocess.start(); if (waitforexit) { powershellprocess.waitforexit(); } }
the script has 2 global settings:
$erroractionpreference = "stop" $confirmpreference = "none"
the whole code inside try block catch/finally code never goes catch block. know because wrote 1 time first line in catch block stop-computer -force -confirm:$false
, webserver still running after 5 minutes after script finished.
the code stops on command invoke-vmscript:
invoke-vmscript -vm $vm -scripttype bat -scripttext "powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -nologo -noninteractive -noprofile -command set-executionpolicy unrestricted -scope currentuser" -guestuser "***" -guestpassword "****"
the exit code c# process 1
the script runs perfectly, wenn start interactive (from ise) ! issue occurs when webserver starts (non-interactive).
someone has idea, problem ?
it works directly powershell command line, interactive
maybe try
$global:erroractionpreference = 'stop'
$global:confirmpreference = 'none'
worked me when had similar problem.
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