Objective-C access to counter from another class -

i´m new objective-c , have question. don´t understand mistake.

the time counter tells me value 0.

i have game class, counter. after while when game stops screen switch end class. , in end class want print out score. not work.

game.h     @interface game : cclayer {   int counter; }     @property (readwrite, nonatomic) int counter;     +(int)returncounter;     @end   game.m     @implementation game     @synthesize counter;     -(void)methodformycounter{   counter++; }     +(int)returncounter{ return counter; }  end.h     end.m     @implementation     -(void)getcounter{   //here want print out counter     } 

the counter property of instance of game class, either need able access instance, or move counter location accessible both game , end objects. latter.

move counter app delegate , @synthesize it. can use anywhere want:

appdelegate *appdelegate = (appdelegate *)[[uiapplication sharedapplication] delegate]; int countervalue = [appdelegate counter]; 


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