ios6 - UITabBar autorotation for ios4+ -

at moment have developed ios tab bar application rotates on iphone simulator(ios 6.1). problem when run app on real device (ios 4.3), app works doesn't rotate.

has got ideas? possible support rotation 3 o.s's: ios4, ios5 , ios6?

prior ios 6 i.e in ios 5 , earlier, app , view controller’s default supported interface orientations set uiinterfaceorientationportrait iphone idiom & uiinterfaceorientationlandscape ipad idiom while in ios 6 , later uiinterfaceorientationmaskall ipad idiom , uiinterfaceorientationmaskallbutupsidedown iphone idiom.

this might reason views not rotating in < ios 6.0. rotation process , responsible controllers different in 2. autorotation explained here in post- autorotation in ios


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