java - How to post multiple types of parameter together in Apache HttpPost -

i facing weird issue code. using org.apache.http.entity.mime.multipartentity class submit file entity server can upload file. when trying add entity/parameter, value not been able capture through httpservletrequest. below client side working code sending successful file upload request:

public class testclass  {     public static void main(string args[]) throws configurationexception, parseexception, clientprotocolexception, ioexception     {         httpclient client = new defaulthttpclient();         client.getparams().setparameter(coreprotocolpnames.protocol_version, httpversion.http_1_1);              httppost    post   = new httppost("http://localhost:9090/hostimages/imageuploaderservlet");         multipartentity entity = new multipartentity( httpmultipartmode.browser_compatible );         entity.addpart( "file", new filebody(new file("d:/tempimage/cat_image.jpg") ));         post.setentity(entity);         string response = entityutils.tostring( client.execute( post ).getentity(), "utf-8" );         client.getconnectionmanager().shutdown();     } } 

on server side, i.e. inside imageuploaderservlet parsing request object of httpservletrequest follows:

fileitemfactory fileitemfactory = new diskfileitemfactory();
servletfileupload servletfileupload = new servletfileupload(fileitemfactory); list fileitems = servletfileupload.parserequest(request);
, gives me list of file submitted through client side absolutely work fine.

problem arises when trying add entity either using multipartentity or httpparams unable value @ server end. have gone through this question posted no help. (i tried add entity stringbody below:)

entity.addpart("flag", new stringbody("true")); 

i want add additional parameters @ client side can use @ server side serve purpose. additional parameter either string, int or byte whatsoever. dont know exact problem lies, client side or server side ! kindly help.

multipart requests need special attention. here useful link thread can understand how treat these cases:

convenient way parse incoming multipart/form-data parameters in servlet



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