python - How to open another window and get data from it, then save to a file? -
i'm trying create program in python using tkinter, , program supposed have list of books created user. on main window (the 1 list), there should menubar option add book list. when clicked, option should open window, time 1 entrybox, user should enter book's title , add button, add button list.
the list saved in .txt file.
this program wrote far:
import sys tkinter import * def newbook(): def add(): booktitle = v.get() booktitle = '\n' + booktitle books = open('c:/digitallibrary/books.txt', 'a') books.write(booktitle) books.close() addwindow = tk() v = stringvar() addwindow.geometry('250x40+500+100') addwindow.title('digitallibrary - add book') newbookentry = entry(addwindow,textvariable=v) newbookentry.pack() addbutton = button(addwindow, text='add', command=add) addbutton.pack() def refresh(): books = open('c:/digitallibrary/books.txt', 'r') booklist = books.readlines() books.close() in range (0, len(booklist)): bookone = label(text=booklist[i]) bookone.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky=w) def quitprogram(): tfquit = messagebox.askyesno(title='close program', message='are sure?') if tfquit: window.destroy() window = tk() menubar = menu(window) window.geometry('400x400+200+100') window.title('digitallibrary') booksmenu = menu(menubar, tearoff=0) booksmenu.add_command(label='add book', command=newbook) booksmenu.add_command(label='delete book') booksmenu.add_command(label='close program', command=quitprogram) menubar.add_cascade(label='digitallibrary', menu=booksmenu) books = open('c:/digitallibrary/books.txt', 'r') booklist = books.readlines() books.close() in range (0, len(booklist)): bookone = label(window, text=booklist[i]) bookone.grid(row=i, column=0, sticky=w) refreshbutton = button(window, text='refresh', command=refresh) refreshbutton.grid(row=0, column=1) window.config(menu=menubar) window.mainloop()
it seems logical me should work, doesn't. when click add button on add book window, add line break .txt file. know works if use os library , create separate python file add book window, i'd rather put in 1 code, if possible. i've tried many things, , tried searching in web, got nowhere.
the root cause of problem creating more once instance of tk
. cannot this. if want create popup window, create instance of toplevel
. proper tkinter application creates once instance of tk
1 invocation of mainloop
if main goal input user (versus learning how write own dialog), might want consider using 1 of built-in dialogs.
for example:
import tkinter.simpledialog tksimpledialog # python 3.x ... def newbook(): booktitle = tksimpledialog.askstring("add book","what name of book?") if booktitle not none: booktitle = '\n' + booktitle books = open('/tmp/books.txt', 'a') books.write(booktitle) books.close()
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