latex - emacs AUCTeX macros fontification -
i started using excellent package xargs
provides \newcommandx
. shares syntax similar default \newcommand
. font-lock
reflect this. did
(custom-set-variables '(font-latex-user-keyword-classes (quote (("cx" ("newcommandx" "*|{\\[[{") (:family "font-lock-type-face") command)))))
but fontifies command name itself, not body (\newcommand
fontifies body 'font-lock-function-name-face
, in case bold). want \newcommandx
fontify body 'font-lock-function-name-face
to summarize question: how make fontification \newcommandx
same \newcommand
(i.e. bold body in case)?
here example can modify suit needs. see lines 280 436 of font-latex.el
within auctex-11.86
complete list of predefined keywords. following examples used add additional keywords, and/or define own coloration contents of wavy / square brackets.
;; \effect{[font-lock-function-name-face]} (setq font-latex-match-function-keywords '( ("newcommandx" "*|{\\[[{") ) ) ;; \effect{[font-lock-constant-face]} (setq font-latex-match-reference-keywords '( ("fancypagestyle" "[{") ("fancyhead" "[{") ("fancyfoot" "[{") ) ) ;; \effect{[font-lock-type-face]} (setq font-latex-match-textual-keywords '( ("parentext" "{") ("hybridblockquote" "[{") ("parskip" "") ("footskip" "") ) ) ;; \effect{[font-lock-variable-name-face]} (setq font-latex-match-variable-keywords '( ("newgeometry" "[{") ("quotingsetup" "[{") ("tabpositions" "[{") ("rfoot" "") ) ) ;; \font-latex-warning-face (setq font-latex-match-warning-keywords '( ("fixme" "{") ) ) ;; affects inside wavy brackets (setq font-latex-user-keyword-classes '(("my-warning-commands" (("fixme" "{")) (:foreground "purple" :background "yellow") command)))
see also:
i have chosen following method customize of special keywords:
(defvar lawlist-face-01 (make-face 'lawlist-face-01)) (set-face-background 'lawlist-face-01 "black") (set-face-foreground 'lawlist-face-01 "white") (set-face-bold-p 'lawlist-face-01 t) (set-face-italic-p 'lawlist-face-01 t) (set-face-underline-p 'lawlist-face-01 t) (set-face-underline 'lawlist-face-01 "yellow") (defvar lawlist-face-02 (make-face 'lawlist-face-02)) (set-face-attribute 'lawlist-face-02 nil :background "gray" :foreground "red" :font "courier" :height 180 :bold t :underline "yellow" :italic t) (font-lock-add-keywords 'latex-mode '( ("\\\\test01\\|insert\\|bugs\\|fixme\\|todo\\|and\\|or\\|not" 0 lawlist-face-01 prepend) ;; 0 = highlight ("\\\\test02\\|insert\\|document-name\\|\\\\begin{document}" 0 lawlist-face-02 prepend) ;; 0 = highlight ("\\test01{\\([^}]*\\)}" 1 lawlist-face-02 prepend) ;; 1 = colorize contents of wavy brackets ))
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