spring - Hibernate exception - hibernate.internal.QueryImpl cannot be cast -

i'm trying authenticate database username. far error is:

  login attempt not successful, try again.    reason: org.hibernate.internal.queryimpl cannot cast com.**.**.model.userentity 

the query in dao class

@repository public class userentitydaoimpl implements userentitydao{   @autowired private sessionfactory sessionfactory;  public void setsessionfactory(sessionfactory sessionfactory) {     this.sessionfactory = sessionfactory; }  public session getcurrentsession() {     return this.sessionfactory.getcurrentsession(); }      @override public userentity getuserbyname(string username) {     // todo auto-generated method stub userentity userentity = (userentity)        sessionfactory.getcurrentsession().createquery(       "select u userentity u u.username = '' + username + ''");              return userentity; } 


@service("customuserdetailsservice") public class customuserdetailsservice implements userdetailsservice{  @autowired private userentitydao userentitydao;  @autowired private assembler assembler;  @override @transactional(readonly = true) public userdetails loaduserbyusername(string username)         throws usernamenotfoundexception {     // todo auto-generated method stub     userdetails userdetails = null;      userentity userentity = userentitydao.getuserbyname(username);      if (userentity == null)      throw new usernamenotfoundexception("user not found");      return assembler.builduserfromuser(userentity);   }      } 

db table holds user details

  /*table structure table `user` */   create table `user` (  `user_id` int(11) not null auto_increment ,  `name` varchar(45) null default null ,  `password` varchar(45) not null ,  `username` varchar(45) not null ,  `active` tinyint(1) not null ,  primary key (`user_id`)  ) engine=innodb auto_increment=3 default charset=latin1; 


@entity @table(name = "user", schema = "") @component public class userentity implements serializable {  private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;  @id @generatedvalue(strategy = generationtype.identity) @basic(optional = false) @column(name = "user_id") private integer id;  @column(name = "name") private string name;  @basic(optional = false) @column(name = "password") private string password;  @basic(optional = false) @column(name = "username") private string username;  @basic(optional = false) @column(name = "active") private boolean active;  @jointable(name = "user_role", joincolumns = { @joincolumn(name = "user_id")}, inversejoincolumns = { @joincolumn(name = "role_id")}) @onetomany private set <role> roles;  public userentity() {  }     //getters , setters 

what insight on why there problem query, , why username not able retrieved database.

edit: after changing query, login still not successful. login page returned , there no error message in output console other this:

   hibernate: select userentity0_.user_id user1_1_, userentity0_.active      active1_, userentity0_.name name1_, userentity0_.password password1_,      userentity0_.username username1_ user userentity0_      userentity0_.username=?      hibernate: select roles0_.user_id user1_1_1_, roles0_.role_id role2_2_1_,       role1_.role_id role1_0_0_, role1_.role role0_0_ user_role roles0_ inner      join role role1_ on roles0_.role_id=role1_.role_id roles0_.user_id=?      info : com.**.**.controller.applicationcontroller - login page {}. 

you forgot execute query created. should be:


also, use proper bind variable. stands query bogus single quotes, i'm not sure if made typo pasting stackoverflow, safer:

sessionfactory   .getcurrentsession()   .createquery("select u userentity u u.username = :username")   .setparameter("username", username)   .uniqueresult(); 


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