php - Laravel Session Array Values -

i've started test out laravel. i'm using form fields , trying validate inputs using laravel's built-in validator class.

$input = input::all(); $rules = array(         'fname' => 'required|max:100',         'lname' => 'required|max:100',         'email' => 'required|email',             ); $validation = validator::make($input, $rules); if ($validation->fails()){             return redirect::to('inputform')                             ->with('input_errors', $validation->errors);             } 

everything goes well, , validation check works. when validation fails, put errors in session variable called input_errors , pass view. problem can't seem display errors. tried foreach loop using blade templating engine given below:

@foreach (session::get('input_errors') $message)     {{ should put here? }} @endforeach 

how can display errors being returned array. tried referencing $message[0][0] didn't work.


edit: sorry, forgot mention i'm using laravel 3

the correct syntax getting errors is...

$messages= $validation->messages(); 

that alone, unfortunately, not going return messages. it's going return messagebag instance. allows pull out specific messages want or all.

if want messages, can do...

$errors = $messages->all(); 

that return array loop through in view display errors. there methods getting errors on specific field such as...

$firstnameerror = $messages->first('fname'); 


$firstnameerrors = $messages->get('fname'); 

i suggest when sending error messages view, use...


that flash errors session , automatically assume sending them $errors variable. may display errors in view with.

{{ $errors->first('fname') }}  // blade approach <?php echo $errors->first('email'); ?> // non-blade approach 

this way, don't have add logic views trying determine if variable exists before should try , echo it.


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