Wordpress + Advanced Custom Fields + ACE Editor Plugin -

i'm trying syntax highlighter combined acf + ace editor wordpress based on this guide.

i've done this:

<?php  class acf_field_ace_code_editor extends acf_field {     // vars     var $settings, // hold info such dir / path         $defaults; // hold default field options       /*     *  __construct     *     *  set name / label needed actions / filters     *     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     */      function __construct()     {         // vars         $this->name = 'ace_code_editor';         $this->label = __('ace code editor');         $this->category = __("basic",'acf'); // basic, content, choice, etc         $this->defaults = array(             // add default here merge field.              // makes life easy when creating field options don't need use if( isset('') ) logic. eg:             'ace_code_editor_type' => 'ace_html',             'ace_code_editor_theme' => 'theme_chrome'         );           // not delete!         parent::__construct();           // settings         $this->settings = array(             'path' => apply_filters('acf/helpers/get_path', __file__),             'dir' => apply_filters('acf/helpers/get_dir', __file__),             'version' => '1.0.0'         );      }       /*     *  create_options()     *     *  create options field. rendered when editing field.     *  value of $field['name'] can used (like bellow) save data $field     *     *  @type    action     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     *     *  @param   $field  - array holding field's data     */      function create_options( $field )     {         // defaults         $field = array_merge($defaults, $field);          // key needed in field names correctly save data         $key = $field['name'];           // create field options html         ?>     <tr class="field_option field_option_<?php echo $this->name; ?>">         <td class="label">             <label><?php _e("code",'acf'); ?></label>             <p class="description"><?php _e("select language code",'acf'); ?></p>         </td>         <td>             <?php              do_action('acf/create_field', array(                 'type'      =>  'select',                 'name'      =>  'fields['.$key.'][ace_code_editor_type]',                 'value'     =>  $field['ace_code_editor_type'],                 'layout'    =>  'horizontal',                 'choices'   =>  array(                     'ace_html' => __('html'),                     'ace_css' => __('css'),                     'ace_js' => __('js'),                     'ace_php' => __('php'),                 )             ));              ?>         </td>     </tr>     <tr class="field_option field_option_<?php echo $this->name; ?>">         <td class="label">             <label><?php _e("theme",'acf'); ?></label>             <p class="description"><?php _e("select your favorite theme display in frontend",'acf'); ?></p>         </td>         <td>             <?php              do_action('acf/create_field', array(                     'type'      => 'select',                     'name'    => 'fields['.$key.'][ace_code_editor_theme]',                     'value'   => $field['ace_code_editor_theme'],                     'layout'  => 'horizontal',                     'choices' => array(                         'theme_chrome'   => __('chrome'),                         'theme_dark' => __('dark'),                     )                 ));              ?>         </td>     </tr>          <?php      }       /*     *  create_field()     *     *  create html interface field     *     *  @param   $field - array holding field's data     *     *  @type    action     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     */      function create_field( $field )     {         // defaults?         /*         $field = array_merge($this->defaults, $field);         */          // perhaps use $field['preview_size'] alter markup?          $field['value'] = esc_textarea($field['value']);          echo '<div id="' . $field['id'] . '" rows="4" class="' . $field['class'] . '" name="' . $field['name'] . '" >' . $field['value'] . '</div>';      }       /*     *  input_admin_enqueue_scripts()     *     *  action called in admin_enqueue_scripts action on edit screen field created.     *  use action add css + javascript assist create_field() action.     *     *  $info    http://codex.wordpress.org/plugin_api/action_reference/admin_enqueue_scripts     *  @type    action     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     */      function input_admin_enqueue_scripts()     {         // note: function can removed if not used           // register acf scripts         wp_register_script( 'acf-input-ace_code_editor', $this->settings['dir'] . 'js/input.js', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version'] );         wp_register_style( 'acf-input-ace_code_editor', $this->settings['dir'] . 'css/input.css', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version'] );            // scripts         wp_enqueue_script(array(             'acf-input-ace_code_editor',             ));          // styles         wp_enqueue_style(array(             'acf-input-ace_code_editor',             ));       }       /*     *  input_admin_head()     *     *  action called in admin_head action on edit screen field created.     *  use action add css , javascript assist create_field() action.     *     *  @info    http://codex.wordpress.org/plugin_api/action_reference/admin_head     *  @type    action     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     */      function input_admin_head()     {         // note: function can removed if not used     }       /*     *  field_group_admin_enqueue_scripts()     *     *  action called in admin_enqueue_scripts action on edit screen field edited.     *  use action add css + javascript assist create_field_options() action.     *     *  $info    http://codex.wordpress.org/plugin_api/action_reference/admin_enqueue_scripts     *  @type    action     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     */      function field_group_admin_enqueue_scripts()     {         // note: function can removed if not used     }       /*     *  field_group_admin_head()     *     *  action called in admin_head action on edit screen field edited.     *  use action add css , javascript assist create_field_options() action.     *     *  @info    http://codex.wordpress.org/plugin_api/action_reference/admin_head     *  @type    action     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     */      function field_group_admin_head()     {         // note: function can removed if not used     }       /*     *  load_value()     *     *  filter appied $value after loaded db     *     *  @type    filter     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     *     *  @param   $value - value found in database     *  @param   $post_id - $post_id value loaded     *  @param   $field - field array holding field options     *     *  @return  $value - value saved in te database     */      function load_value( $value, $post_id, $field )     {         // note: function can removed if not used         return $value;     }       /*     *  update_value()     *     *  filter appied $value before updated in db     *     *  @type    filter     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     *     *  @param   $value - value saved in database     *  @param   $post_id - $post_id of value saved     *  @param   $field - field array holding field options     *     *  @return  $value - modified value     */      function update_value( $value, $post_id, $field )     {         // note: function can removed if not used         return $value;     }       /*     *  format_value()     *     *  filter appied $value after loaded db , before passed create_field action     *     *  @type    filter     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     *     *  @param   $value  - value loaded database     *  @param   $post_id - $post_id value loaded     *  @param   $field  - field array holding field options     *     *  @return  $value  - modified value     */      function format_value( $value, $post_id, $field )     {         // defaults?         /*         $field = array_merge($this->defaults, $field);         */          // perhaps use $field['preview_size'] alter $value?           // note: function can removed if not used         return $value;     }       /*     *  format_value_for_api()     *     *  filter appied $value after loaded db , before passed api functions such the_field     *     *  @type    filter     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     *     *  @param   $value  - value loaded database     *  @param   $post_id - $post_id value loaded     *  @param   $field  - field array holding field options     *     *  @return  $value  - modified value     */      function format_value_for_api( $value, $post_id, $field )     {         // vars         $defaults = array(             'ace_code_editor_type' => 'ace_html',             'ace_code_editor_theme' => 'theme_chrome'         );          $field = array_merge($defaults, $field);           // validate type         if( !is_string($value) )         {             return $value;         }           if( $field['ace_code_editor_type'] == 'html' )         {             //$value = html_entity_decode($value);             //$value = nl2br($value);         }         elseif( $field['ace_code_editor_type'] == 'css' )         {             //$value = html_entity_decode($value);             //$value = nl2br($value);         }         elseif( $field['ace_code_editor_type'] == 'js' )         {             //$value = html_entity_decode($value);             //$value = nl2br($value);         }         elseif( $field['ace_code_editor_type'] == 'php' )         {             //$value = html_entity_decode($value);             //$value = nl2br($value);         }           // note: function can removed if not used         return $value;     }       /*     *  load_field()     *     *  filter appied $field after loaded database     *     *  @type    filter     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     *     *  @param   $field - field array holding field options     *     *  @return  $field - field array holding field options     */      function load_field( $field )     {         // note: function can removed if not used         return $field;     }       /*     *  update_field()     *     *  filter appied $field before saved database     *     *  @type    filter     *  @since   3.6     *  @date    23/01/13     *     *  @param   $field - field array holding field options     *  @param   $post_id - field group id (post_type = acf)     *     *  @return  $field - modified field     */      function update_field( $field, $post_id )     {         // note: function can removed if not used         return $field;     }   }   // create field new acf_field_ace_code_editor();  ?> 

this code creates textarea , can select html, css, js or php code.

how can add correct ace js script load inside wp-admin area , how render correctly in frontend?

it seems (just guess, i'm not familiar these) have used acf-input-ace_code_editor same handler twice js , css register js , css files in following lines (js handler being overridden)

wp_register_script( 'acf-input-ace_code_editor', $this->settings['dir'] . 'js/input.js', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version'] ); wp_register_style( 'acf-input-ace_code_editor', $this->settings['dir'] . 'css/input.css', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version'] ); 

and have used

wp_enqueue_script(array(     'acf-input-ace_code_editor',     ));  // styles wp_enqueue_style(array(     'acf-input-ace_code_editor',     )); 

in case, should use different handlers js , css when registering files, like

wp_register_script( 'acf-input-ace_code_editor_js', $this->settings['dir'] . 'js/input.js', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version'] ); wp_register_style( 'acf-input-ace_code_editor_css', $this->settings['dir'] . 'css/input.css', array('acf-input'), $this->settings['version'] ); 

and use

wp_enqueue_script(array(     'acf-input-ace_code_editor_js',     ));  // styles wp_enqueue_style(array(     'acf-input-ace_code_editor_css',     )); 

hope enqueue script if given path right when registering , make sure correct js file available @ given path.


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