How can I create an ordered dictionary from json in Python -

i posting form , grabbing json form dict .

myd = \ {'a': {'b': 'c1', 'd': 'f1'},  'b': {'bb': 'c2', 'dd': 'f2'},  'c': {'bbb': 'c3', 'ddd': 'f3'} } 

now using josn.loads convert python dict

i doing this

        headers = defaultordereddict(list, json.loads('myd'))) 

can ordered, default dict in python?

after doing order of dict gets changed this

  myd = \     {'a': {'b': 'c1', 'd': 'f1'},      'c': {'bbb': 'c3', 'ddd': 'f3'},      'b': {'bb': 'c2', 'dd': 'f2'}, } 

how can maintain order?

i believe should do:

json.loads('myd'), object_pairs_hook=collections.ordereddict) 

you can see documentation object_pairs_hook keyword in documentation.


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