postback - How to get textbox value in ASP.NET click eventhandler -

somehow 1 of stored procedures stopped executing aspx page. works if run sql server using exec. when click button on aspx page assigns parameters , values, , launches procedure, page reloads data not updated. button can run create or update procedure, depending on page parameters in address bar. nothing executed.

in aspx page create button this:

<asp:button id="btnsavechanges" runat="server"       class="class_button normal enabled"       onclick="btnsavechanges_click" text="save changes" width="100" /> 

then in code-behind file:

protected void btnsavechanges_click(object s, eventargs e) {     //if (page.isvalid)     //{          sqlcommand sqlcomm1 = new sqlcommand();         sqlconnection sqlconn1 = new sqlconnection("server=localhost\\sqlexpress;database=testdb;integrated security=true");;          if(param_id == 0)          {            sqlcomm1 = new sqlcommand("dcspcreateempdetails", sqlconn1);         }          if(param_id > 0)          {             sqlcomm1 = new sqlcommand("dcspupdateempdetails", sqlconn1);         }          sqlcomm1.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;          if (param_id > 0)              sqlcomm1.parameters.addwithvalue("@empid", param_id);           sqlcomm1.parameters.addwithvalue("@empname1", tbname1.text);         sqlcomm1.parameters.addwithvalue("@empsurname", tbsurname.text);         sqlcomm1.parameters.addwithvalue("@empbirthdate", convert.todatetime(tbbirthdate.text));          sqlcomm1.executenonquery();     //}     sqlconn1.close(); } 

that's it. page valid, 100%. , if remove validation check, no result.

here procedure:

create procedure dcspupdateempdetails     @empid int,     @empname1 nvarchar(50) = null,     @empsurname nvarchar(50) = null,     @empbirthdate datetime = null     update employees      set         name_1 = @empname1,        surname = @empsurname,        date_of_birth = @empbirthdate     (employee_id = @empid) 

hope you'll me it, guys. don't understand happened stuff...

updates topic:

examining debug messages found, textbox loses text before stored procedure in onclick event takes text parameter.

is normal server first restores page , after executes code in onclick event? think it's logically incorrect because page_load designed load default page, while buttons , other controls used change , manipulate content of page. why need controls if code can't execute timely?

ok, problem has been resolved. how? don't know. took backup copy , copied stuff regarding problem current version. same thing, absolutely identical code. replaced current code same code backup , works now. that? i'm 100% know there no differences between them, it's quite small piece of code.

unfortunately can't mark answer because there comments here. i'll mark one.

anyway, thank you, guys. many tim attention , richard deeming suggestions.


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