gruntjs - grunt-contrib-jshint doesn't complain about console.log -

with following setting jshint doesn't complain console.log statements while still reports debugger statements:

jshint: {       files: [         'gruntfile.js',         'js/**/*.js',         'tests/*.js',       ],       options: {         curly: true,         immed: true,         noarg: true,         expr: true,         quotmark: 'single',         maxdepth: 3,         browser: true,         eqnull: true       }     }, 

as far can tell, jshint has never warned references console. there no code in there handle such references.

console treated identifier should defined , accessible whatever context referred (which correct, since is).

therefore, can jshint warn usage of console getting warn undefined variables. set undef option true.

then, if want allow usage of console, can add globals directive or set devel option true (which implicitly adds globals directive).


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