ruby - Update a boolean field in db using link_to -

i have boolean field in database, how can update in rails using link_to. want have 2 link_to commands. 1 true false.

how do it? can use ajax, wanna learn pass data first.


link_to can link target controller action. need define route route call method toggles boolean value.

for example, in controller:

class thingscontroller   def toggle_foo     @thing = thing.find(params[:id]) = !   end end 

then route this:

resources :things,   :member => { :toggle_too => :put } 

then can link it:

link_to('toggle', toggle_foo_thing_path(@thing), :method => :put) 

it's important not use get method on these calls because browsers pre-load simple links on page, have effect of automatically toggling things link on page.


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