ruby - Rails: RSpec - undefined method `cookie_jar' for nil:NilClass -

rails newbie. trying follow michael hartl's tutorial.

stuck trying add helper method simulate log in rspec test:

describe "when user has logged in , attempts visit page"     let(:user) { factorygirl.create :user }     before        log_in user     end     "should redirect user next page"       specify { response.should redirect_to loggedin_path }     end   end 

in spec/support/utilities.rb:

def log_in user     visit root_path     fill_in "email", with:     fill_in "password", with: user.password     click_button "log in"     cookies[:remember_token] = user.remember_token end 


failure/error: log_in user      nomethoderror:        undefined method `cookie_jar' nil:nilclass 

what gives?

edit, full stack trace:

index page when user has logged in , attempts visit page should redirect user next page      failure/error: log_in user      nomethoderror:        undefined method `cookie_jar' nil:nilclass      # ./spec/support/utilities.rb:8:in `log_in'      # ./spec/features/pages/index_spec.rb:20:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>' 

rspec particular directory place tests. if put test in wrong directory, won't automagically mix-in various test helpers setup different types of tests. seems setup using spec/features not approved default directory (spec/requests, spec/integration, or spec/api).

based on tutorial page, i'm not sure how have spec_helper.rb file setup. though examples using spec/requests hold tests.

you can force rspec recognize directory request specs using on of following:

manually add proper module test file:

# spec/features/pages/index_spec.rb require 'spec_helper'  describe "visiting index page"    include rspec::rails::requestexamplegroup    # rest of test code   context "when user has logged in , attempts visit page"     let(:user) { factorygirl.create :user }      before        log_in user     end      specify { response.should redirect_to loggedin_path }   end  end 

include in spec/spec_helper.rb file:

rspec::configure |c|   c.include rspec::rails::requestexamplegroup, type: :request, example_group: {     file_path: c.escaped_path(%w[spec (features)])   } end 

since tutorial i'd recommend following standard of including require 'spec_helper' @ top of spec file , actual spec/spec_helper.rb file has require 'rspec/rails'

a minor note, don't need put specify inside of it block. aliases of each other, use one.

context "when user has logged in , attempts visit page"   let(:user) { factorygirl.create :user }    before      log_in user   end    # of following same    "redirects user next page"     response.should redirect_to loggedin_path   end    { response.should redirect_to loggedin_path }    specify "redirects user next page"     response.should redirect_to loggedin_path   end    specify { response.should redirect_to loggedin_path } end 

note, according documentation capybara, should able put capybara tests spec/features. make work, ensure loading require 'capybara/rspec' in spec_helper or test spec file directly.

however, looking @ source, didn't see automatically including directory. can try adding tag type: :feature outer describe block in test file. though more solution use spec/requests.


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