angularjs - Nested views and controllers -

i need make next hierarchy: got several user roles in app. interface of app consists of top navbar different tabs each role. each tab has master-detail view, entities presented , first entity loaded default.

before struggling authentication (i found articles http interceptors etc) wonder how simple thing: navigation system.

for example, let's hardcoded user role , admin role loaded default. have cp.html file top navigation is. when go '/' route if user logged should redirect him cp.html admin tabs. if user isn't logged should redirect him '/login' page.

this example of cp.html:

<div class="navbar">     <div class="navbar-inner">         <ul class="nav">             <li><a href="#/desktop">desktop</a></li>             <li><a href="#/companies">companies</a></li>             <li><a href="#/users">users</a></li>         </ul>     </div> </div> <div ng-include src="include"> </div> 

and home ('/') controller:

function homecontroller($scope, $routeparams, $location) {     if ($ {         $scope.include = '/templates/' + $ + '.html';     } else {         $scope.include = '/templates/companies.html';     } } 

and main app.js:

app.config(['$routeprovider', function($routeprovider) {  $routeprovider     .when('/', {         templateurl: 'templates/cp.html',         controller: homecontroller     })      .when('/:tab', {         templateurl: 'templates/cp.html',         controller: homecontroller     }) 

so here depending on :tab parameter can include different .html templates. how deal controllers? let's want go companies tab. want have navbar + companies content. if click on companies tab file included stay @ homecontroller. if use ng-controller directive, how can id of company? in typical example have /companies/:companyid route. if use route in routeprovider should put templateurl? moreover, when click on companies tab don't change url, include companies.html.

i'm totally confused nested views , routes in angularjs. don't want use third party libraries though, trying figure out myself how deal this...

thanks in advance

take @ angular ui-router, think it's looking for. try their example app well.


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