javascript - Can't move DOM element to other position -

this getting tiresome. i'm trying simple append 1 element another:

            var contentblob = $('<div></div>', {                 "id"    : "content-blob",                 "css"   : {                     "display" : "none",                     "color" : "red"                     }             });              // guy gets full xhtml page head , body.               // don't want use load()             model.gethtml(indexurl, function(response){                     if(response != 0){                         contentblob.html(response);                     }             });              contentblob.appendto('body');             //i've verified contentblob (#content-blob) in body              // should super simple.  no matter do, not appending              // ul.             $('#content-blob > ul').appendto('#contents-index-actual-index'); 

i've tripple checked selectors, looks legit. 1 interesting thing #content-blob append if don't add ul selector.

squint right. async happening after appendto.


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