c# - Deserializing a child into an object -

i've tried examples on here tearing hair out.

i query , returns json, inside json lots of hashes, eg.

{ "gjwiegjeigj": { ....}, "gjeeigjwoeigj": {...} ... }

i want loop through each of these, , deserialize contents object.

i've created object, myobject has fields, stuck on deserialising.

i can deserialise straight base object using jsonconvert.deserializeobject can't that, need loop through , children.

i want array of custom objects fields taken json result of this, don't care title of each 1 (the garbage hash).

any ideas? know can loop through, gives me lots of jtokens that's stuck.

edit: reading question again, mention both knowing , not knowing fields. sounds don't know fields json string contain.

for cases this, suggest use dynamic -- shines. if know field names, class should deserializing without issue.

what have tried? show real code, , real exceptions or problems.

to deserialize list of dynamic objects simple:

dynamic toreturn = jsonconvert.deserializeobject<list<dynamic>>(rawjson);

you should list of dynamic objects. can poke fields want:



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