ruby on rails - When I click create in activeadmin, I get a mass assignment error -

so have active admin. have customer model , address model. have address nested in customer. when click create customer, mass assignment error.


activemodel::massassignmentsecurity::error in admin::customerscontroller#create  can't mass-assign protected attributes: address 

customer model

class customer < activerecord::base     attr_accessible :name, :email, :phone, :addresses_attributes   has_many :addresses   accepts_nested_attributes_for :addresses, :allow_destroy => true end 

address model

class address < activerecord::base     attr_accessible :street, :city, :state, :zip, :customer_id   belongs_to :customer   has_one :customer_id end 

customer controller

activeadmin.register customer     # menu item   menu :label => "customers", :parent => "administration"    filter :name   filter :created_at   filter :updated_at     index     column :name   end      form :partial => "form"    show :title => :name       panel "customer details"           attributes_table_for resource             row :name             row :email             row :phone           end         text_node(render :partial => "admin/addresses/show", :locals => { :address => resource.address })       end     end end 


  <%= semantic_form_for [:admin, @customer], :builder => activeadmin::formbuilder |f|        f.inputs "customer information"          f.input :name          f.input :email         f.input :phone         end          render :partial => "admin/addresses/form", :locals => { :form => f }            f.buttons      end %> 


<%= form.inputs "address"    form.semantic_fields_for :address |address|      address.inputs :class => ""        address.input :street        address.input :city        address.input :state       address.input :zip, as: :string     end    end  end  %> 


<div class="panel">     <h3>address</h3>     <div class="panel_contents">       <div id="attributes_table_employee_1" class="attributes_table">         <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">           <tbody>           <tr>             <th>street</th>             <td><%= address.street.blank? ? raw('<span class="empty"></span>') : address.street %></td>           </tr>           <tr>             <th>city</th>             <td><%= ? raw('<span class="empty">empty</span>') : %></td>           </tr>           <tr>             <th>state</th>             <td><%= address.state.blank? ? raw('<span class="empty">empty</span>') : address.state %></td>           </tr>           <tr>             <th>zip</th>             <td><%= ? raw('<span class="empty">empty</span>') : %></td>           </tr>         </tbody></table>       </div>     </div>   </div> 

in address model don't need reference customer_id in attr_accessible method, neither need declare costumer_id.

you have setted relationship between 2 models, using belongs_to , has_may.

make sure have:

t.references :contact

in address migration.


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