php - Insert Backbone.js model into MySQL database -

i have backbone.js model defaults , url:

var box = backbone.model.extend({     url: "./save.php",     defaults: {         x: 0,         y: 0,         w: 1,         h: 1     } }); 

then have instance of model , proceed save it:

var box = new box({ x:10, y:10, w:200, h:200 });; 

now want save model mysql database using php script "save.php", goes this:

<?php      include('connection.php');      $id = $_post['cid'];     $x = $_post['x'];     $y = $_post['y'];     $w = $_post['w'];     $h = $_post['h'];      mysql_query("insert boxes (id, x, y, w, h)                          values('$id', '$x', '$y', '$w', '$h')                        ") or die(mysql_error()); ?> echo "data inserted!"; 

i have tried reading many tutorials cannot simple model save work. why code not working? ideas on how can solved?


edit: quick solution

in php script, correct way obtain information sent json object follows:

$box_data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input')); $x = $box_data->{'x'}; $y = $box_data->{'y'}; $w = $box_data->{'w'}; $h = $box_data->{'h'}; 

and store in in database:

mysql_query("insert boxes(id, x, y, w, h)             values('', '$x', '$y', '$w', '$h') ")  or die(mysql_error()); 

in way 1 row inserted in table "boxes" information of each 1 of attributes of backbone model box. server request method in case post , id in table "boxes" set auto-increment.

backbone based on rest api: when saving/updating model server, backbone send serialized json in request body post our put request. backbone.sync documentation

with default implementation, when backbone.sync sends request save model, attributes passed, serialized json, , sent in http body content-type application/json.

this means server-side have to

  • determine type of request
  • decode serialized json

something should started

$request_method = strtolower($_server['request_method']); $data = null;  switch ($request_method) {     case 'post':     case 'put':         $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));     break; }  // print_r($data);  // note mysql_* functions deprecated // // inserting pdo object, assuming auto incremented id $sql = "insert boxes (x, y, w, h) values(?, ?, ?, ?)"; $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(array(     $data->x,     $data->y,     $data->w,     $data->h )); $id = $dbh->lastinsertid(); 

check page more thorough implementation of rest api in php


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